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Everything posted by Linds_53

  1. Thank you so much for your response! I will read over it a few times and then make my decision. I am so glad I found you to help give me answers my local apple store could not. Thanks again I really appreciate it!!
  2. I am planning on addressing my computer issue I mentioned above soon. This way I can get some time to learn it before my 2022 senior sessions start in June. I wanted to come back here and see if there was a better option available now since the new imacs came out. I don't know if I should just jump to Photoshop CC and update my current system to the newest OS or if I should update to Catalina and use Photoshop 2019. I am still currently using Sierra and CS5. I absolutely hate to learn new things and switch stuff over because I have everything in CS5 how I want it but I know it is inevitable LOL. Just wanted to double check here since the new imacs came out so I know if there is a new option maybe better?
  3. Thank you again! I will probably install CC2019 on my current imac and work in it before I upgrade computers for a couple months. I just have all my actions and I like how certain things work in CS5 and when I had switched and tried it was CC2017 and I wasn't impressed especially with the liquify tool but I can't recall specifically what it was I didn't like. Anyways I agree, I wish the "Genius Bar" idiots would have actually helped me instead of just push me backwards on OS. I wish I would have found you sooner. I will check out your articles!!! Thank you sooo much you have no idea how grateful I am to actually find someone who has given me an answer that makes sense.
  4. Oh wow thank you so much for your information. I will follow your recommendations and hope that gets me through my busy time. I only recently added that usb scratch disk just because I had been having problems and was trying different things. I will uncheck that disc. It makes sense that this imac just has a lot of problems. Ya when they had to reinstall Sierra they told me there was only an issue with my imac and high sierra but the next os would fix the issue but I have been scared to upgrade to that next os just because I didn't trust that it wouldn't have another problem. I just was managing to complete my work on it with Sierra so I've just stayed here lol. I believe I purchased this in early 2017 but it was the newest model released at that time but shortly after I purchased they released the 2017 version if I remember correctly. I am so glad you let me know if I upgrade OS that is 64 bit then my CS5 will not work. I get set in my routine and when I tried CC I wasn't a fan but eventually I will need to upgrade if I upgrade os. If I sell this imac this spring (during my slower time) and get the newest imac and newest version of photoshop (I have the subscription to adobe for lightroom and PS but just haven't upgraded) do you think I will have other issues? Is there any other problems/bugs known yet for those systems? I just am so tired of the lag and issues of this 2015 imac but I hate to go through the trouble and expense of upgrading if the newest one has other known issues. My original imac was purchased new in 2007 and it lasted 10 years and I only upgraded because the hardware no longer supported newer os and it was getting slow. I now only use it for taxes. If you have any suggestions on an imac and photoshop version that you know works well together I'm open for any advice. Thank you sooooo much!
  5. Photoshop/iMac question: I think maybe my Graphics Card is going bad, here is my problem that just started happening the past few days and I am in the middle of my crazy nonstop editing time. I have an -iMac (Retina 5k 27-inch late 2015) -4GHz Intel Core i7 processor -memory 32 GB 1867 MHz DDR3 -Graphics AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096 MB -OS Sierra 10.12.6 (hesitate to update because a few years ago I updated to high Sierra and it had an issue with my model of iMac and I had to take it to the Mac store and they had to take high Sierra off and put Sierra on.) -photoshop CS5 (because I hate the new ones) Issue: while in photoshop my brush is looking very pixely and lagging and sharper edges than normal. Sometimes the bucket tool will not paint until I click it twice. Sometimes my image will be solid black until I zoom in then it will correct itself. When I click the clone selection sometimes it doesn’t realized I selected and it wants me to reselect. When I restart my computer it will work normal for a little bit but then will randomly start acting up. I have noticed when I use Nik plug in that it messes up sometimes but not every time and other times it messes up without using that. Recently I hear a noise every so often that sounds like a missile falling from the sky. Like a schweeeew noise descending. Is it my graphic card? Do I need a scratch disc for photoshop? Any suggestions?? Damien had me uncheck the "Enable OpenGL Drawing" in Photoshop preferences but that did not help so he told me to post this question here. I am attaching pictures of my information and other programs I use. I also use the plug in Portraiture and Flood.
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