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Everything posted by jamieray

  1. ahhh, I found it! I had the shortcut set to the wrong Levels. I should have applied it to the Levels under New Adjustment Layer. Thank you anyway!
  2. Hi Damien! I'm trying to get back into some editing today, but my levels adjustment layer is not working correctly. When I select the Levels adjustment (through my shortcut, or by selecting the Image - Adjustments - Levels from the top menu), the Levels adjustment appears and allows me to make changes, but when I select okay it doesn't show up in my layer stack. The changes remain. It's probably something simple but I have been searching and can't find the fix. Thanks!
  3. Thank you so much for your help and explanation! 🙂
  4. So another question a bit off that topic. Is it possible to purchase Photoshop without doing the subscription? I’ve done the subscription for years because at the time I couldn’t find another option and it seemed like a good plan. But I honestly get frustrated with the changes (even though some are helpful). I still need to upgrade my PC, but wondering if there is another option for the program. Thank you for your help!
  5. How much difference is there in performance between these two graphics cards? Finishing up my options for a new PC and this is about $400 difference. Thank you!
  6. What are your thoughts on purchasing a refurbished PC through the manufacturer (Dell in this case)? I’ve bought all of my camera equipment refurbished/used so this seemed like a good option to me. But I wasn’t sure if it was different with computers. Thanks!
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