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Jennifer Carlstrom

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  • Main editing computer
    Mac desktop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon 6D Mark iii, 50mm 1.8; 28mm prime; 28-70mm 2.8; Sigma 100-500mm 5.6-6.9 and 1.4x magnifier; Rokinon 14mm 2.8; lensbaby velvet 65 f2.8; lensbaby 35mm composer;

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  1. Yes, only money 🤦‍♀️ Thank you. You’ve helped me a lot and educated me enough to explain to my husband why NO iMac 24”! Very much appreciated. I just couldn’t find anything concrete online to help with my decision. Jennifer
  2. Hi Brian, can you weigh in on purchasing the new iMac? The highest memory upgrade is less than my 1TB iMac 2017. First glance it would be a more cost effective option than the Studio. I use mostly for photography. As you’ve noted and I’ve found, one can no longer upgrade the Adobe software. My 2017 grinds along with tasks. Jennifer
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