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Kendra D

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Everything posted by Kendra D

  1. Hi Damien, yes, please feel free to use this and so sorry again for the delayed reply!
  2. Hi @Damien Symonds So sorry for the delayed response. Yes, please feel free to use it! That would be an honour!
  3. Okay, thanks! I'm guessing channel mixer for the flare? I tried levels for her face and it seemed like I just made it worse.
  4. Hi Damien, Can this image be saved? Specifically the woman's face and the lens flare.
  5. Hi Damien! I hope you had a good weekend. Is there a way to fix the glare on the ultrasound photo?
  6. Excellent, thank you! Trying it myself right now.
  7. Meaning that I recall that is what you recommend, but I'm not sure how that impacts the compression.
  8. I'm doing "Save As" and "Baseline Standard" if that makes a difference.
  9. Darn. I'm sure. It's not the most crisp photo to begin with, but I thought it was good enough to clear my culling.
  10. Oh, duh, trying again.....I cropped from the low quality jpeg. This attached version is cropped from RAW and saved at level 12 quality.
  11. Hi Damien, Can you help with this glare on the glasses? This is the photos after RAW processing.
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