I’ve ready through many of your articles but perhaps I’m missing something.
I recently upgraded my 2013 iMac to a 2020 iMac. I assumed my LR & PS settings from the old transferred to the new. Then I edited a few images and ordered prints. They looked terrible— darker and overall blah. I know I need to calibrate my new iMac. However, I noticed a couple of differences after comparing all the settings. My normal process is to import my pictures to LR, maybe make a quick adjustment or two, I then move it to PS & do all my main editing, when that is done I “save as” and the image with the PS edits appears back in LR. I then make a couple small adjustments and then export from LR as a jpeg in sRGB.
When comparing my settings from the old & new macs, I realized my new iMac had “embedded color profile” on the Save As dialog box as ProPhoto Rgb, whereas my old iMac had Adobe rgb 1998 selected. Could this have caused the images to save differently and therefore print as they did?
I’ve messed with the settings on both computers now that I don’t know what color profile PS was using on my old computer nor what my new iMac was using.