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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Monitor is warm compared to the prints that I originally ordered.. but when I got the prints I felt they were warm compared to the monitor so I feel like the monitor must be VERY warm now after calibrating.. especially since the images look cool from any other device The prints that I recently ordered came out very bright and with almost a pinkish tint... but they look good on the screen.. I had my brightness at 70.. maybe that was too low? so I tried 85 and re-calibrating and still nothing no improvement.. I will try again.. you weren't kidding when you said that calibrating was a pain in the ass!! I'm going to try to re-calibrate yet again, and order new prints of different images and see if maybe that makes a difference thank you
  2. They do seem a bit off... but when i was reading about the calibration it said "best fit" and that it would never be PERFECT. So I took the best fit.. I guess I will have to order more prints and kind of start over.. any suggestions? I tried all the different setting when calibrating.. Now after recalibrating again, I feel like the warmth is perfect on the screen, but when I look at it from another device (another computer, phone, tablet, etc) it looks very cool.
  3. So I followed the instructions via this website to calibrate my monitor. I thought I did a pretty good job. However, today I received an order that I placed only to find that the picture look almost blown out! I immediately went to the computer to see if they were even close, they are not .. The prints have a pink tint to them and it looks like I waaayyyy over brightened (I didn't actually "brighten" at all). I obviously have to go back and recalibrate.. but what did I do wrong? How do I be sure it won't happen again?
  4. I would like to thank Damien and Brian for helping me to choose a computer and a monitor. I have ordered the Dell XPS 8900 (i7 16RAM with 1 TB storage) and have gotten an HP 23 inch IPS matte monitor.. I have also ordered the Spyder Pro!! Dell & Spyder don't arrive till next week!! I can't wait! Thank you sooo much!!!!!!
  5. I'm at the store now trying to decide on a computer! I looked into dell but found : Asus G11 Gaming Desktop Intel core i5-6400 8gb ram 1 TB NVIDIA GTX 970-4gb Windows 10 For $1,0450 Yes or no?!
  6. Lol! Ok.. No touchscreen.. Is it doable to get computer and monitor for $1000? I have a monitor.. But it's nothing special so I'd like a better one
  7. Ok.. I found it... Looked up some of the Dell recommendations... I didn't see anything about the "all in one" computers our touch screens... Does it matter If I get one of those?
  8. Also.. U said 4 threads down... I can't even find where I was at! Lol! I guess I need to explore this forum some more
  9. Sorry... First time posting and looking thru the forum
  10. I REALLY wanted a laptop but not so sure... I saw the laptop you recommended but it's like $1600!!! With that said... What desktop do u recommend???
  11. So I just got the HP ENVY.. the color is HORRIBLE! After speaking to a friend who says she HATES it I'm thinking of returning it.. Can you please suggest a good laptop??? I would prefer a laptop instead of a desktop
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