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  • Main editing computer
    PC desktop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon 60D

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  1. I'm having trouble with the adjustment brush in Bridge. It appears on the photo when I click it, but when I toggle the adjustments nothing is visible on my screen. It was working earlier. Is there a trick like the "caps lock" is on so preview is off....or more likely the cat stood on the keyboard and changed a setting? Many thanks D. I have a PC desktop running windows 10 and Photoshop cc. It is less than 1 month old, and has 200GB of RAM. Its hard drive has 200GB free out of 180GB. The last time I shut down was just before posting this thread. I have never run a cleanup program.
  2. Hi Damien, I have a brand new computer and need to fix the settings in Bridge. Years ago when I set up my old PS and Bridge I changed Bridge to SRGB permanently. I can't remember how to do this now and can't find a thread that tells me how. Can you please tell me how to fix the settings in Bridge. I am using the latest version. Thankyou so much. I have a PC desktop running windows 10 and Photoshop cc. It is less than 1 month old, and has 200GB of RAM. Its hard drive has 200GB free out of 180GB. The last time I shut down was just before posting this thread. I have never run a cleanup program.
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