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Everything posted by ARoel

  1. Thanks Damien! Never heard of black balance before. What you did to the blacks alone already made a huge difference without deviating from that old photo look which I was after. Getting more excited. Thank you.
  2. Hi Damien, it's been days now and I still couldnt shrug off the excitement about the potential of photos like this once edited with advanced levels. Would you be so kind to do an edit? I dont need a psd file and I wont be using the image anywhere. I wont even ask how you did it. I'm really just curious how it would look. This is the image straight from the lab just in case. Thank you!
  3. Hi Damien, do you perhaps have some advice, recommendations, or articles about clean processing photos from film scans? Here's one I played with using a little bit of camera raw filter (except the white balance, texture, and clarity parts), then levels. Not sure with what I was doing though.
  4. Hahahahaha. That file name. 🤣 Thanks for this. I've decided to stick with clean edit for all my photos. I'll use a film camera if I want that film look. 😁
  5. Haha I dont really know. Something just makes me think that the photo is old with these colors. That could be it. And the highlights having light yellow to urine like tint. But that must be the golden hour. Not really sure. 😅
  6. That too but more on the colors that make it look like a film photo.
  7. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/sg62aQ4SuJog5SWE/?mibextid=oFDknk Hi Damien, is there a way to incorporate this look into my lighthouse photo? Asking for educational purpose only. Not actually wanting to alter this image as I already like how it looks. Thank you.
  8. Oh, looks like it is not the appropriate photo for this style. Something with a bigger view of the sky maybe? Sorry, this photo no longer represents the subject. Please let me know if I need to start a new thread. Used "CableCar AE" as the subject as I didn't know what to call this style.
  9. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/FmMijAGYr1aGDz4x/?mibextid=oFDknk Hi Damien, is there a way to incorporate this color scheme into this cable car photo?
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