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Chas Thompson

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  • Main editing computer
    PC laptop
  • Editing software
    Lightroom with Photoshop
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon r6 50 1.2L 35 1.8

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  1. Oh, a quick google shows me I can find a travel size IPS display. Will look into!
  2. I have a Lenovo desktop at home with all the specs you guys recommend, I appreciate all the help so much! I also have the displays you guys recommended. We are relocating and I dont think I can bring my computer with me so hoping for the best laptop option to keep me going in the meantime (moving where electronics are hard to find). And I haven't thought of a way to get my display into my luggage! I wasn't worried about a sale price so much as I wasnt sure if I should go for the next model release or grab the "discontinued" ones based on the last rec I saw mentioned. I'll bring your suggestion to my computer dealer Always grateful for your help and time, Thank you! ~C
  3. Hi, Hoping to piggy back off this thread. I looked into the asus and lenovo Brian suggested and Im finding them both to be discontinued. Should I look for the model and be excited for a sale price or choose something else? Thanks, Chas
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