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  • Main editing computer
    PC desktop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Nikon D7200
    85mm 1.8, 35mm Sigma Art

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  1. I'm unable to move forward with PS because my scratch disks are full. Do I purge?
  2. I shoot on the Nikon D7200. I have a 35mm sigma art and an 85mm 1.8. I have been shooting for many years and have been doing it wrong. I have watched a complete video to learn my camera inside and out. I have changed my ISO to auto. I have my aperture at 2.8 most times but can never decide the f stop. I know that the more people in the image the more stops I move the aperture if they are not in the same plane of focus. How do I decide the f stop? I know that if my subjects are moving I want to go up to 1/500 and so on. If I'm shooting with say 85mm I want to be at least 1/160. I gave it a try today. It is very cloudy out. I have my auto ISO on, f/stop 1/250 to 1/320 not sure why, and 2.8. My white balance is auto. What am I missing?
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