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  • Main editing computer
    Mac laptop
  • Editing software
    Lightroom with Photoshop
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment

Tahli's Achievements

  1. Hi, Haha, I'm so glad that I could pass some info back to you! Yes, I have heard of the MP and needing to upgrade computer etc. but I have heard the adapter is alright? No? Not about to do the jump yet, so good to gather all the info. I have 4 lenses and I'm not keen to upgrade lenses, maybe I'll stick with DSLR a bit longer then. Cheers, T
  2. Hey, thanks for the input on this! I appreciate it. I am using the Adobe RGB colour setting in my camera. I have read that the D750 does let you do a custom white balance setting but yet to have a look at this. Also maybe I am interpreting this incorrectly but I can set my 'Rec' button to ISO, is this what you mean by external ISO button? I am considering the jump to mirrorless in the future but this was a choice to get me by for a while when my D610 broke. Technology hasn't been in my favor of late (I was the lady with the corrupted HD). I will have a look at the colour profiles and the K being about 50-100 lower. Thanks!!!! Much appreciated!!
  3. Hi, sorry for trying to ask on the fb group. I will try here but understand if you are not able to provide any insight. In a previous post (on the fb group) I noticed that you spoke about your D850. I recently had my Nikon D610 break on me (I was very familiar with this camera), I took the opportunity to upgrade a bit to a D750. I usually shoot using Kelvin white balance but I am finding the white balance in the D750 so different even on kelvin or auto2 (which I’d ready was pretty good and a warmer tone). I wondered if you’d had any experience with this or suggestions. I really liked the tone and white balance in my older Nikon. Thanks Quick example below (I edited, only on faces to hide faces) . My Macbook Pro has recently a few weeks ago calibrated with a Spider.
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