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Michelle Is Me

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Everything posted by Michelle Is Me

  1. Thank you! Ok, so is if I'm able to just update my card, is THIS the card you'd recommend? I can't even find the 4080, and I don't know if this is the one you are saying (I honestly don't really understand all the technical jargon, so I'm not certain if all the letters etc are correct. Give me a camera anyday.) : https://marketplace.nvidia.com/en-us/consumer/graphics-cards/gigabyte-geforce-rtx-4070-ti-eagle-12g-with-dlss-3/ Edit: Nevermind - when you click the buy now button it takes you to a page where you can't even buy the thing. I don't even understand where I'm supposed to buy a card when I can't find one. My brother was saying something about if you buy somewhere like amazon it might not even really be the card or something. It's all so confusing. And I am with you on the price of beef. It is outrageous.
  2. Thanks again. So, here's an issue we are having. I really don't have $3k to budget for a new computer. And we're having a hard time even finding cards in stock. My husband said it's because of bitcoin mining or something. So yeah, right now I just need a stop-gap, but I can't seem to find any good options!
  3. Thanks! He sent me this link, but it sounds like this is more for gaming... https://linustechtips.com/topic/1592197-the-arc-b580-is-actually-great-affordable/ I'm not even sure how to downgrade my photoshop version. Will have to mull all of this over. I hate spending money on computer stuff when I could get a new lens intead lol!
  4. I have been getting this error allllll the time lately. My husband said maybe I should get a new graphics card. He first googled it and it sounded like Adobe was giving this error when people were using AI features, but it's happening to me when I'm just using ACR normally, like I could be just adjusting the whites or doing something random. It's not like I'm doing the denoise or other things that I know are using AI. So anyway, he found one he thought might be good but said I should research. I have no clue though.Photography is my thing, not computers I can tell you I have a 4.30GHz Intel Core CPU, 32 GB RAM, Windows 10 Pro. And I took a screenshot of my current graphics card... Can you give any advice on what is causing this error? And, should I get a new graphics card?
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