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Posts posted by AYoder

  1. WOW Brian!! Thank you so much!! As I was reading I would think of another question and then there you were with another post to answer it!!! :) I can't tell you how much I appreciate all of your help!! It is so hard to know what you are looking for or like until you use it. My current laptop is definitely showing it's age and only has 4GB!! While my husband thinks I would be best off with a desktop, I really think I would miss the portability of a laptop for other reasons. So again, thank you for all of your advice!! You.are.a.rock.star!!

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  2. So I am preparing to calibrate my LAPTOP monitor. I had messaged you before and you said my computer wasn't too old. But after reading your article about light you state it isn't good to edit on a laptop. If someone is looking at upgrading should they go for a desktop or entertain the idea of plugging a monitor into a laptop? Thoughts?

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