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Sherry Lynn Herrin

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Posts posted by Sherry Lynn Herrin

  1. Right - the world does not cater to walk ins - i find it crazy i am in a humongous city, like the capital of the province and i cannot walk in and buy the monitor i want - i may as well be in my little mountain town in the middle of nowhere. Wish me luck, i have your advice in my pocket & will come home with something today that is not gaming. Oiy.

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  2. Hey Brian - i'm in a bit of a pickle and need some help. You helped me buy a Dell U2715H monitor about a year ago and yesterday on my trip here that monitor got cracked. I won't go in to details about how my husband packed the car for me. Yay. UGH. Anyways, i am away from home for the next while and have a tonne of work to do soooo ordering from DELL is not really an option for me because i don't want to wait a week or more to get it - i want to walk in to a store and pick something up tomorrow so i can get back to work. I spent a frustrating day in and out of stores and cannot find the same model. Standing in line for hours waiting for help is just infuriating me & i never get a "YES, i know what i am talking about answer"  My last monitor was wonderful for me, we loved each other and my prints loved it. I've spent the last hour looking online about what is in stock close to me - Is this monitor good? I'm sticking to DELL only because my computer is Dell however i am finding most of them say they are "gaming" monitors. I would buy something else, but what?!  I have a $700 budget. I need a little Brian in my pocket to make my stress go away & help me buy something decent :( ps; i'm so sorry, i know you are probably so sick of answering this question.




    pps: im assuming this monitor is trash worthy? Like can someone do something with it?


  3. Excellent - thank you sooooo very much for your time, i am an on the books photographer soooo I think i will go with the above - 16gb and 2tb.  I was reading your posts on monitors, am i correct in saying you approve their Dell Ultrasharp monitors?  I see they have 24, 25, 27 and 30 monitors (pretty much)  - some say they are "premiercolor" with about a $75 difference - do you know if it's worth it?

  4. Hi Brian!

    I am shopping for a new computer and will be going with DELL - i am ohhhh so confused on what to get, so many choices and well, lets face it - i just wanna be set up and sit down and edit *l*  i would like something great, i don't want to be chasing memory and want something zippy. Can you help? Like if you were to sit down and order online through DELL, what would you get if you were a photographer? what do i choose through all the steps? I'm looking for a PC and maybe throw in a nice size monitor at the end - i have a decent one but hey, go big or go home! Willing to spend a decent amount of money - for the love of my editing and my sanity, pleeeeease help me! I'm not a gamer and this will strictly be an editing PC with Photoshop :) Oh man, if you could help a girl out i would be forever grateful ♥ (or maybe point me to a link if there is already one floating around this beautiful place.

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