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  • Main editing computer
    Mac desktop
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  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Can 5D Mark III, Canon 5 D Mark II, Canon 7D, Canon 24mm-70 L, Canon 70-200mm L, Canon 100mm macro, 2 Profoto D1 Air 500,

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  1. Resolution is 300ppi. So, if everything is sharp and there is no cropping how big could she go?
  2. Hello, A friend accidentally shot a studio newborn session in the small .jpg setting on her Canon 5D Mark III. This results in a .jpg file that is 5.5M and 2880x1920. So, first off, she's pissed because it's not RAW, but she did pretty well in camera and the photos are well focused and color is decent. Second, she is concerned she won't be able to print a large canvas, like 30X40, if the client wants one. It is my understanding that she should still be able to print to some decent sizes. When opening the photo in photoshop and checking the image size, on inches it says 9.6x6.4. How do you go about printing larger than that size? Do you create a new file in photoshop at the size you want, say 24x30, and then use the place embedded option? help would be much appreciated.
  3. I do not have a fix for this particular image, but I am a newborn photographer and have struggled with this same issue. I have now purchased diapers that are some brand of "all natural" something or other and they are the color of light brown paper closer to skin tone and are way less noticeable than the typical white diapers. I do usually take diapers off when doing these types of poses, but if they are going to be on something that can't get soiled I will put one of the brown diapers on. I think they are from Seventh Generation - Free and clear
  4. The lines of the body going into the ground are too sharp, there needs to be some dirt coming up slightly around him with more shadow where the body is entering and round the points on each side where he's entering the earth. I used the clone tool with an irregular brush to bring some dirt up a bit onto his body, then I used two curves layers, one to darken and one to lighten, to use and dodge and burn to create shadow and highlights.
  5. I saved them the same way except for the flattening. It happens sometimes and not others. It is weird. It's almost like it's saving the image with the adjustments on whatever layer I have highlighted in the layers panel. I understand that I can't sharpen unless I flatten the image, but I feel like it still shouldn't be saving the image that weird way. So, as far as flattening for sharpening, is "merge visible" ok before sharpening or should I use "flatten image"?
  6. I thought that the information was saved in our profile or something.
  7. When saving a file with several adjustment layers in Photoshop to a .jpg, or other file formats, do you need to merge or flatten the image first? Sometimes they save fine for me, but sometimes if I haven't merged the layers the saved .jpg is splotchy. Here is the file saved without merging the layers and the file saved after merging the layers. It doesn't do this every time. What's going on? photo credit: Hollenbeck Photography
  8. I have filled that out before. Do you I need to do it again? And the issue has now happened again after going to answer some emails and then coming back to PS.
  9. It happened again. This time I had left my computer on over night. My web browser was the open window and when I went to switch to PS I saw the open file for a split second and then it went black. There were three files open in PS and they were all black. I had to close it down and reopen. Happy Easter
  10. Well, poop! It was such a cool idea in my head.... If you want to know what color the product is calibrate your your screen Good Day
  11. I am updating an online store for newborn baby props. Specifically some stretchy scarf wraps. There are a lot of colors, 30+. I get questions from customers about what the colors "really" look like. Some colors are also very similar to one another. If plausible I thought it would be cool to have them be able to check them on their own computers. Maybe it's not such a good idea since I wouldn't know if they had calibrated monitors and it could cause even more issues. With that being said, I was still wondering if it could be an option.
  12. OK, OK.... In our imperfectly calibrated world..... a tad helpful? Will I get a better answer if I reply in haiku? If client is mad Color not same as picture Use a damn gray card
  13. Thanks! I find it quicker and easier to read with shorter length sentences. Although the punctuation is total crap! So in a perfectly calibrated world this could possibly be helpful when working with off site clients?
  14. You can tell me to bugger off if this is to much of a photography question vs. editing. I was wondering if I took a photo of a product for a client and had a gray card or color checker in the photo that I sent to the client if they could then also use the gray card to get the correct color on their computer. Or say if I had a product loaded on to an online store website with the gray card still in the photo if a client could then do a screen shot or download the photo off of the web page, load it into their editing program and be able to better see what the color might actually be on their end. Hope that makes sense. Thanks!
  15. So far so good! It wasn't happening too often, just enough to be annoying. I'll report if it starts happening again. Thank you
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