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  • Main editing computer
    PC desktop
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  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Nikon D750 with professional lenses

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  1. OK! I do feel much better about the one in the blue shirt after doing the calibration again. Spyder Tune is my favorite feature of this calibrator, and your instructions really are fantastic. Thanks for your help! I'll start a new thread with the session I'll be working on this weekend.
  2. I tried again with white point at 5800, then used Spyder Tune, and I am pretty content with all but the one in the blue shirt.
  3. Sure. I mostly shoot boudoir so that is what my calibration prints are.
  4. I have 5 prints I compare, printed at American Color (ACI).
  5. Fighting with my monitor recalibration. I promise I don't usually compare with my monitor right beside my print but I'm frustrated and hoping you can help. I'm following recalibration instructions for a PC for the Spyder X Elite. The places I notice the color is way off are the blue on her shirt and in her lipstick. The white point for this cell phone snap was 6500, but I also tried 5000. The screen was too warm at 5000 but the lipstick & the shirt were still way off. The lipstick on my screen looks pink, but in the print it's a deep red.
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