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Everything posted by gkakin

  1. I played with Bridge some earlier today and I love it! Just makes sense to me. So long Lightroom! Now I've got to learn acr and ps.
  2. So what's next? After downloading bridge, which I'm doing now.
  3. Yes. I have photoshop. Although I've never used it. I tried to use Lr bc that's what everybody said to use. I used it to edit a golf event of approx 300 pics. and I ended up w several copies of the images and it was such a headache. I know how I want my files organized. But I couldn't get Lr to let me do it my way. Aarrgghh! Lol. I'm watching your video now and downloading bridge in the a.m.
  4. I hate Lr's folder system. What is the workflow without using Lr at all. I have the cc monthly subscrip. Everything I've searched online is Lr Lr use Lr. I dont want to use Lr at all. The folders really mess me up. Thanks.
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