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Janice Smith

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  • Main editing computer
    PC desktop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Nikon D7000. Nikkor 35 1.6, Nikkor 70-200 ED VR 2.8, Nikkor 50 1.2

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  1. Thanks for the information! I’ll read the article. Is there a reason as to why you’re recommending a laptop and not a desktop?
  2. I figured it out. I had to go to "open with >browse>adobe>photoshop2023>photoshop". Now I'm back to being able to double click and it will open in ACR.
  3. Ok, gonna lose my mind. I rolled back to PS 24. Now when I try to open a file in Bridge, it's opening in Snip-it instead of Camera Raw.
  4. Quick question...how do you discern motion blur from just an out of focus photo? I realize they are both crap, but I'd like to learn from mistakes. I'm going to assume this particular photo is not a focus issue, but a motion blur issue because I don't see any area of the photo that's clear and crisp, and the metadata tells me my SS was too slow for this lens. That and I know my VR was turned off on the lens.
  5. Thanks for confirming that! So many errors made. Ugggggh. I was afraid to push my ISO because at a measly 400 it’s very noisy and seems soft to me.
  6. ISO 100 F3.2 1/60 Quite a few errors here that I'm now aware of, including having my VR off on my lens. *facepalm*
  7. Did it again in the daylight, following instructions, and now it's pretty much dead on. Yay!
  8. I decided to calibrate my second monitor then decided to recalibrate my main monitor as well. Big mess - what a shocker. 🤦🏼‍♀️ #1- when I adjust my brightness (pre-calibration and during) do I adjust my contrast too? #2- are my colors way off, or is the brightness way off, or both? Prints are from WHCC. #3- is 93% ok? Using Spyder Pro.
  9. Ok, I'll be back with another questionable one. I'm going to attempt to calibrate my second monitor first.
  10. Gulp.....here goes nothin'.... I followed your noise removal instructions, but haven't gotten to that part of the RAW class yet, so hoping I did it correctly. ISO 400, 70-200 @130mm, F2.8, 1/2000
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