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  • Main editing computer
    Mac desktop
  • Editing software
    Lightroom with Photoshop
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon 5d3, 50mm f1.2, 100mmf1.8, 135mm 1.8, 24-70mmf2.8, 24-120 mmf4-5.6, 70-300mmf4-5.6,70-200mmf2.8,

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  1. I ordered this one yesterday. https://www.dell.com/en-au/work/shop/dell-27-usb-c-ultrathin-monitor-s2719dc/apd/210-apyf/monitors-monitor-accessories The Dell support said it was the equivalent of the one you recommended. if it doesn't work out my Med student daughter can use it to blow up slides and whatnot to view them via her MBP. Now to order the new MBP for me! I'll see if my current one connects well via the HDMI to the new monitor before I jump.
  2. Beautiful! thank you! And yes I always pimp out my machines to the max. I’m just peeved I can’t get more Ram in the macbook pro. Off to check out the Dell monitor. ?
  3. I'm up for a new editing system. My over 6 year old, main editing computer 27" Imac has pooped itself and won't stay started, it keeps restarting and has funny lines jumping around on the screen. All my work is on external drives and backed up to crashplan so no worries there. I also have an almost 7 yr old MacBook pro that has been an absolute workhorse and is going strong- but I know these things are just a matter of time. I always have said that I would buy a mac pro and a special editing monitor when the time came. However I'm now thinking that I will buy a new MacBook pro as I use it relentlessly and an editing monitor to attach it to at home to do the main editing. so save on having a desktop. I'm a diehard mac user for my own personal gear (Windows at work) lol! My question is, what IPS monitors are the Go at the moment, I have had a quick look at the Eizo- at over $6k, but am wondering what other ones I should be looking at- Benq? or is there some whizz bang fab new ones around that I could be focussing on?
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