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Everything posted by MissusJay

  1. Moving the individual files to a new folder on a different drive seemed to work.
  2. The files that I pulled up as per your suggestion were RAW images and from an old vacation, The ones that don't work are PSD's with only a couple of layers on up as well as just the RAW of the same set. I tried it on all of them and what ever I ask the processor to do, it works for the first image and then keeps the other files open in Photoshop. As I was trying to find a solution vai Mr. Google I came across a thread that suggested that there are problems when you have multiple files with the same name or some such saved to the same file. The trouble files are not saved to the exact same file but I do have versions saved in subfolders of the original file. So I tried moving four of my trouble files to a different drive and the image processor works. I will see if I can find the thread I read and I'll post the link here. It was here: https://www.dpreview.com/forums/thread/2062787
  3. Yes I was trying to convert to Black and white and save as a jpg. But after you said to change to 100, I just selected save as jpg on 4 images to see if it fixed it. As per your suggestion above, I went to some older files and tried to run a long, many layer action, and it worked just fine on the 6 new files I tried. Seems the problem is with the current files. I just don't know how to fix it. I have had this problem off and on in the past and just went through each file and did the saves manually. But a wedding ....UGH.
  4. Nope, works on the first one then the rest stay open. I'm just trying to convert to jpg...so it's not even complicated.
  5. I didn't make the video, it is just an example I found. I'm using the proper color space.
  6. I have had this problem too and it isn't the action. The action works sometimes and not other times. I have a link to a video that shows the problem. I'll see if I can post it.
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