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Everything posted by AndyShark

  1. The USA soccer team unveiled their new uniforms on their website with these cool photos. I'm curious on how they approached that effect. I doubt it was in camera. I'm wondering if it was a manipulation of the cutout of the player, or was it a brush manipulated into looking like the player's motion blur. Any thoughts? Anybody know of a tutorial with the actual method? Thanks! http://cdn-us-ec.yottaa.net/5682eca20b534438800014b5/www.ussoccer.com/v~12.13/~/media/images/kits/2016/clint-dempsey-action-shot-home.jpg?la=en&yocs=4_&yoloc=us http://cdn-us-ec.yottaa.net/5682eca20b534438800014b5/www.ussoccer.com/v~12.13/~/media/images/kits/2016/carli-lloyd-action-shot-away.jpg?h=500&w=1024&la=en&yocs=4_&yoloc=us
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