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Everything posted by AngieMcHenry

  1. Okay, I use Adobe CC, Is this the right menu? It looks like it was already set to srgb but when I opened in PS it is showing Adobe rgb so I'm not sure what's going on.
  2. Question, I edited a bunch of pictures in Adobe RGB accidentally - the setting was messed up in ACR. Can I upload the edited files and export as Srgb files or am I stuck re-editing them all?
  3. Thanks, I must have missed that! I will check it out, it does sound fun
  4. Hello, Damien and the team! It's been a long time since I've asked a question in here but I ran into an issue when my Adobe CC updated recently. My color space changed from Srgb back to Adobe RGB. I thought my color looked a little off on social media. I forgot how to set up Srgb in my PS CC, I think Damien had us change it in 2 or 3 different places in the application but it's been so long, I completely forgot. Your help would be much appreciated! Thank you, Angie
  5. I found it and tried it at a sat increase of 5 and the highlights are still blown in moms arm. Maybe I am not using it correctly.
  6. Hey Damien, I bumped the saturation for this image and it's reading as having some pretty blown highlights. It looks great on my screen though. Is this too bad to print?
  7. Okay thank you, I will take them back to raw.
  8. Hi Damien! It is nice to be back! I could use some guidance with a set of images I'm working on. I'm going in a fine art/ editorial direction with this set and I have one image finished to my liking. My question is, do I take the other images that I had edited back to raw and try to get them more similar or is this something I can match using PS alone? The image with the girl by herself holding the birdcage is the one I love and want to use as my guide. The other two were edited already but now that I love the one so much I want to go back and get everything to have the same feel. Let me know your thoughts. (I'm thinking going back to raw and removing the vignette might be my only solution :/)
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