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April H.

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  • Main editing computer
    Mac laptop
  • Editing software
    Photoshop Elements
  • Monitor Calibrator

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  1. Thanks so much! Right clicking didn't work for some reason, so I just went to the layers menu, selected panel options, then chose small thumbnail. You were right, it was on "none". Thanks again!
  2. I accidentally hit some unknown button and now my layer mask icon looks different. It looks like a bullseye and is no longer a black or white rectangle. The layer mask works as normal but I cannot see where I am painting on the mask. I just want it to go back to the normal appearance. I restarted my computer and photoshop with no results. I am using CS6. Many thanks!
  3. But I don't particularly like it on my image.
  4. I would say that was close to the example I posted. And I am cracking up at your subtle way of telling me how you feel about this editing style!
  5. Yes, sorry. I went back to the original raw file and re-edited cleanly. See if this one works.
  6. Ok, will this work? Her hair was questionable but I couldn't find one with all brunettes!
  7. I'm sure this is some type of preset but I'd like to know how to achieve this look with a b/w conversion. https://www.facebook.com/KalaRathPhotography/photos/a.194704447257992.46785.194668813928222/885154158213014/?type=3&theater I've attached one of my images that I feel has similar shadows and highlights. I did not see any requirements for image size so I apologize in advance if my image is too large.
  8. Yes, sir, indeed..........you are right on target. I don't remember ever making that keyboard shortcut but I added it back and it is working as usual now. Thanks a million!
  9. Hello! Out of nowhere, when I press CTRL L, my levels layer comes up like this? This weird box pops up on my screen instead of a new levels layer being added. What setting have I screwed up? When I go up and manually select a levels adjustment layer, it adds it to my layers panel just like normal. It is only when I press ctrl L that it does this weird box thing. Please help! This is ruining my workflow!
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