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Kerry Bebeau

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Posts posted by Kerry Bebeau

  1. We're going to be looking into getting our son a laptop, primarily because the hand-me-down one he is using is on its last legs and he will likely need to do some virtual learning this school year.

    Major uses will be school work and zoom/Google classroom meetings. But he also likes to code with scratch (basic games and animation using code blocks, if you're not familiar), and may want to branch out as he learns more.

    What minimum requirements should I be looking for?


  2. Thank you so much, Damien. My nephew is finally graduating (2 years late) after a lot of growing up and hard work. He allowed me to do "senior" photos as a surprise for his mom, who I'm sure will be happy to not have his sweaty pits hanging in her living room on a 16x24. :) I'll be sending a beer your way soon.

  3. Okay, usually I can follow your suggestions and tutorials with no issues and get a great result. This one has me stumped. So when I follow the method you suggest in the link, am I clicking on the dropper tool and inputting the RGB values in the color palette popup? Or am I inputting them in the levels box using the RGB dropdown on the white slider area like you had me do when I was fixing transitions glasses? Because it seems that no matter what I try I'm not getting a good result.

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