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Everything posted by Coralee

  1. Thankyou so much. That fixed it. The top one was ticked. I really appreciate your help Damien
  2. Ive done that and now the images look the same in Bridge and Camera Raw, but the Raw Adjustments are still not showing in Bridge after I click "done", but they are there if I open them up in Camera Raw again
  3. Is there an alternative way to get the RESET PREFERENCES? Nothing happens when I click Command-Option+Shift, unless Im doing that in the wrong order or at the wrong time dont worry I just worked it out
  4. I have a Mac desktop running Is OSX the operating system? Thats what I found when i typed Operating System into the Help and Photoshop CC2014. It is over 2 years old, and has 8GB of RAM. Its hard drive has 262GB free out of 999GB. The last time I shut down was last night. I have never run a cleanup program. The other thing Ive noticed is that my photos look like they have been edited for jpeg when they are in bridge, but look like raw files again when opened in Camera Raw. Thats without any adjustments made in Raw. It never used to do this, but our power went off while my computer was on last week. Just wondering now if this had anything to do with it. Thanks Damien.
  5. I have made adjustments and cropped the images, but when I press Done the image in the film strip is the same as when first imported. If I open it in Camera Raw again, I can see the adjustments that were made.
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