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  • Main editing computer
    Mac desktop
  • Editing software
    Lightroom with Photoshop
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    D7000 Nikon, 24-70 mm 2.8, 50 1.8, kit lens.....

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  1. If I had a higher resolution camera... Like the 750, would they be more crisp? Do you have any advice for shooting large groups like this?
  2. My basic question is, What did I do wrong that my resolution is low. Is it my camera, lens choice, size of print? I'm frustrated that I can't get a crisp poster of this size with my D7000. I want to upgrade to the D750 but I do a lot of work for this school, about 12 different sports for them a year, Will the D750 do better? I know that the 35mm lens would have been a better choice but I'm trying to upgrade as I go.... I feel like I'm comfortable with photography until I get to issues like this.
  3. I have a Nikon d7000. I shot a large football team poster yesterday. The poster is 24x36. I used my 24-70mm 2.8, I know this probably wasn't the best lens but felt like it was my best choice for what I have in my camera bag. I used 22 for my fstop and my ISO was 400. The resolution is lower. It's still going to print because I can't think of anything else to do. Is it my camera, my lens choice, the size of the poster, what could I have done better. To include all the boys in the poster, I was probably 40-50 yards back to include them all. This is just a really big job for me as it gets me in front of 60-70 local families and or seniors.
  4. I'm just now ordering some new flash photography. Flash photography is completely out of my comfort zone. I'm thinking of ordering either the Einstein E640 or the Alien Bees B400. They will mainly be used for newborn photography but would like to use for outdoor too. Are these strong enough for outdoor and do you have a preface between the two? I'm taking the newborn lighting class from the Milky Way and this is what she recommends.Thanks in advance!
  5. I know this isn't wonderful but this much editing is way out of my comfort zone...... The two top corners will have their schedule but would love any CC's that you have that I could improve this.
  6. Who do you use for stock photos? I am coming completely out of my comfort zone tomorrow for high school sports posters. I am not a super frilly photographer. All the presets, imaginary photography isn't my style. Plus they are outdoors and its suppose to be like 40 degrees and super windy. I can't put up a backdrop. But doing these gets my name out to a ton of seniors and families in our community. The girls golf team wants Star Wars theme and the Boys golf team is doing a fireman/ashes theme. Any tips or ideas. I feel like I know photoshop but when it comes to this much heavy editing, it's way out of my league. They see all these super edited ideas on Pinterest and want me to do them. Any tips on this would be great!
  7. It seems like I shoot a lot of indoor/low lighting events lately. I love to rent cameras and lens before I purchase them. I shoot now with the Nikon D7000 and I find I really have to up my ISO at sporting events and receptions to get the speed I need. I was going to rent the Nikon 810. Is a high ISO always going to be super noisy or if I do upgrade do the higher ISOs really perform that much better in low lighting? I love sports photography and saving up for the 70-200 2.8 but don't want to waste money on a new camera if there isn't that much difference. Thanks in advance!
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