Gah- I was really hoping you would have some magical answer that would solve this without me having to win the lottery- LOL!!
I have contemplated an extender but from my understanding you lose a stop with them.
I will definitely look into the 7d mark II and then try the 70-200 f/2.8 again on the better body. I have some time before football season rolls around again so I can save up some money. You know, sell a kidney or something?
If I purchase the camera/lens through the links you shared do you get credit or commission on the sale? I would be sure to buy it through them if that is the case.
Thank you for your time and you sharing your knowledge. I can’t tell you how much I have learned just reading through the posts on this forum. I don’t have anyone else to ask these questions- I don’t even have a camera shop anywhere near me. So , thank you!!