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Everything posted by nikinic23

  1. Gah- I was really hoping you would have some magical answer that would solve this without me having to win the lottery- LOL!! I have contemplated an extender but from my understanding you lose a stop with them. I will definitely look into the 7d mark II and then try the 70-200 f/2.8 again on the better body. I have some time before football season rolls around again so I can save up some money. You know, sell a kidney or something? If I purchase the camera/lens through the links you shared do you get credit or commission on the sale? I would be sure to buy it through them if that is the case. Thank you for your time and you sharing your knowledge. I can’t tell you how much I have learned just reading through the posts on this forum. I don’t have anyone else to ask these questions- I don’t even have a camera shop anywhere near me. So , thank you!!
  2. Hello, I am a hobbyist- I have a Canon 70d. I started out taking photos of my son playing football and it has kind of morphed into the informal team photographer. I use Canon 55-250 4-5.6. I rented the 70-200 2.8 but I didn’t notice a big enough difference to make me buy it. I am at the very top of iso at 6400 just to be able to have a semi-ok shutter speed - usually at 200. We are in a small town- so the field and field lighting aren’t great and most of the teams we play are in the same boat. The photos are still pretty under exposed and many are blurry but it’s the best I can do at this point. I started looking into upgrading my camera body, but after some reading it looks like I need to get a full frame which means I would also have to get another lens as mine is EF-S. So this would be a major investment. Any suggestions on bodies that handle high iso well?
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