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Ann-Marie Gerrity

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Posts posted by Ann-Marie Gerrity

  1. Thanks. Here are some shots taken with and without the polarizer (The one without you can see my husband holding the polarizer). Granted, these are not amazing photos. We were just curious how it worked in comparison without it on. These are SOOC. Only thing done to them was clicking on the "enable lens correction" in ACR. Any thoughts?





  2. Hi again!

    So I got the 24-70 f/2.8L II and I LOVE it! It is SO nice to finally have a lens that takes decent pictures and can be used well in a small place like our house. I can't wait to take it to ZIon in April. I also got a circular polarizer. I decided to try the Amazon basics one because it was so cheap  so I figured what the heck, if it ends up being awful I am only out $16.50 (https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00XNMYOZO/ref=oh_aui_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)

    . It seems to be decent but I have nothing else to compare it to. Have you had any experience with the amazon polarizer?  

    Another gear recommendation question now. I currently have a Fotasy quick rapid single shoulder sling strapI used it when we went to Hocking Hills this past summer and realized it is not the best for hiking. I still felt like I had to hold my camera to keep it from bumping into rocks and trees which meant my thumb/wrist area was in a lot of pain by the end of the trip.  I obviously want to bring my camera with me while hiking in zion but I don't want to feel like I have to hold it as well to keep it safe. Is there anything you recommend that would keep the camera safe, keep my hands free, and allow me to grab the camera quickly?  Thanks for your time!

  3. Oh my goodness, thank you so much for your response and posting these pictures. Yes, I see what you mean with the 14mm on the arches picture. I love the sunrise and sunset pics. So cool to see the same place look so different!

    I have to admit that I am really pleased to hear you say the 24-70. That lens (version 2 of course) has been the one that I have been really thinking will be my next big lens purchase. I do not do this professionally.  I mostly do it for my own kids and every once in a while will take a friends' family pictures or something. It is just my intense type A personality that drives me to take Damien's classes and save my money to buy good equipment.  Maybe one day I will start a business but I don't see that happening any time soon. I bought my 135 a couple of years ago and love it for outdoors. So here in Michigan it works great when it is nice outside, but it just doesn't work well inside. I have my 50mm but it isn't the L series, and the 24-105mm but I have become spoiled with the beauty of the 135 and those other two just don't compare. So I want my next lens to be something that I can use inside but still can have a little bit of range AND the quality that I now love with the 135mm. I know nothing beats a prime (or so I read that) but I feel like that 24-70 would come pretty darn close and give me many more options than another prime. And knowing that it works well for trips that like this too is a HUGE bonus!

    Again, thank you so much for your response. I really appreciate it ?

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  4. Hello,

    We are planning a trip to Zion National Park in Utah. I have the Canon EOS 6d and would like to rent a lens that would work well when hiking and for taking landscape shots. Lenses I currently own are the 50 mm f/1.8, 24-105 mm IS USM, 135 mm f/2L . I used the 24-105 on a hiking trip this summer and it was S#*t! I am thinking about renting either the Canon EF 16-35 mm f/2.8L or or the Canon 24-70 mm f/2.8L lens for the trip. Any recommendations between those two, or something else entirely.

    Not sure if this matters but this will be family trip with our two kids so I will be taking shots with people in them as well.



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