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Lauren hardy photography

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  • Main editing computer
    Mac desktop
  • Editing software
    Lightroom with Photoshop
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Mark iii

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  1. Sorry I had only seen your first two steps when I started, I see the rest now! let me give it another go!
  2. I followed your steps. What am I doing wrong. I always have this harsh liquify line. Am I just not doing enough
  3. dreaded double chin help please. Tried to liquify and made a big mess. Something I really really need to learn, super important.
  4. it seems I am having the most trouble where the two dresses meet in the bottom. I can do it perfect, in this image I cloned a bit where they meet.
  5. Damn you are good. I Just bought a macbook air so I was uploading from there in bed and the settings weren't changed yet. Thank you for the reminder, all done now. I am having a hard time lining these images up so that when I mask, I am not masking off the other stuff. I am going to keep trying now.
  6. Yes I have. Is it a matter of just adding the image and masking off? Do i need to make my canvass size larger first?
  7. No she looks great in both, as you said! I do not mind which version we use.
  8. Hi Damien, it actually has nothing to do with either girl. What I don't like about either image is the subject is cut off. What I was trying to ask is how I can add more of the image to the left side of the first image. I gave the second image so that perhaps you could pull from that same side and add it to the first image. Does that make sense? Sorry, perhaps I didn't explain it well and perhaps I'm still not haha. Let me know if you know what I mean.
  9. I need to add more to the left side. Was thinking I could take from the right side? Thanks! The first photo is the one i want add too. I gave you another picture with the other side in the photo if that helps.
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