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Kelly C

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  • Main editing computer
    Mac desktop
  • Editing software
    Lightroom with Photoshop
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 50mm 1.8, 135 L 2.0, Canon 70-200 4.0

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  1. I can not find any of my raw files. I import my files from Bridge and save to an import folder. I create two other folders for JPG and PSD after I have edited or need to do more. My entire download folder/photos was changed to JPG. I have no idea how. I shut my computer down a few days ago, began working yesterday and noted the change. This also happened in another folder of downloads that I wasn't even working on. I had a back up card in my camera of the photos, inserted into card slot, attempted download and again, all JPG. Adobe help found a setting on PS that was checked to download JPG, he virtual guy changed that. I have no idea how that was even changed as I never download photos as jpg. Any help would be great. I figured out how to work around a particular edit but can't have this happen as I am entering a busy season. You and Brian are the only ones who seem to have a clue...Adobe should endorse you. Anyhow, any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  2. I opened a folder today and was getting ready to start editing in BridgeACR. All of the files in my folder were/are converted to JPG not xmp files or CR2 files. I spent about 2 hours online with Adobe...I also opened another folder from months ago, same thing. I do all of my editing on ACR and touchups in PS. Please help
  3. My new computer arrived...and I have a really dumb question. Should I save all of my photoshop actions on an external hard drive or will the show up in PS since I have the CC version? I have a session set up with Apple for set up etc... I just don't want to lose my current ACR and PS set up... Thank you again for all of your help with this...I really do appreciate it.
  4. Thank you. I will contact Apple to help me figure all of this out. Do you know where I would look to find out how much my computer would be worth/how if I were to sell to my neighbor?
  5. I am sorry to bother you. Do you think I should try to sell my IMac outright or turn do it as a trade in with Apple? My neighbor might be interested in purchasing but I have zero idea how to price something like this. Or if you could point me in the direction of how to find out. My guess is Apple would give very little. Thank you. Also, are you in Australia?
  6. I have that in the cart...I just didn't screen shot it. Whew...this is no small chunk of change. I hope I get some good years out of it! Thank you again.
  7. Hi Brian, I don't think I can take my Mac running slow m. ch longer. It seems to be getting worse...crashing multiple times. I have added this to my cart per our previous conversation. Could you please make sure this would be sufficient. The numbers don't match yours exactly (gpu or cpu). I don't even know that those mean. I just know I am in my busy season and I can't keep having this happen. Thank you for any input you might have. Kelly slow much longer...
  8. Oh, thank you for your reply. I really do appreciate it. I did read your pinned article before I sent my question but I will reread and I will start saving. I will make sure not to upgrade PS... I really do appreciate your reply and knowledge. Thank you again, Kelly
  9. Hi Brian, I just read your recent article regarding PS and Bridge running slow and your suggestion to use Big Sur. This is my current set up. Should I do as you suggested to the previous user regarding Big Sur installation? I have two external hard drives connected that I store my working photos on. Thank you for any help and advice you might have. Kelly
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