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Everything posted by gavismommy

  1. Hi! Tonight I made the switch from Mac to a PC. I am working to install my programs and I was reading thru your comments regarding where to store files and programs. When I start to install Adobe CC where do I want to put it? The D drive is for data I have read and C drive is for programs? Is that correct? So where do I put it? I am trying so hard to not mess all my files up on this computer.
  2. Is there a specific brand you suggest for desktops? I know there are certain screens but what about the actually computer? Thanks!
  3. Can you send me a desk top recommendation? We travel on the weekends in our trailer so I was thinking the laptop would be convenient but truthfully I probably shouldnt be working on the weekends so that would help resolve that.
  4. Hi! After years of only using Macs I am thinking of switching to a PC. I have been reading various posts on the forum but I also realize that technology changes often and many of the links that are shared regarding laptops are no longer valid or the specific products is no longer available. I was wondering if you have any new suggestions for laptops? My budget is anywhere from 1k-3k. I have also thought about purchasing a separate monitor for editing when I am home during the week. I understand the specs that you suggest as well just having a hard time finding a products that covers all those bases. Thank you so much for all your help!
  5. Yes and it doesn't seem as off as the most recent prints did but definitely cooler. I'm going to dig today for more prints and compare some other images. In the meantime though should I just lower the brightness back down to where it matches even though when I calibrated it had me raise it up so high?
  6. Hi Damien, I have been following your calibration directions for a few years now. The other day I received prints in the mail that are terrible. I decided to fully recalibrate my laptop. I have the Spyder 4 Pro. When I start to recalibrate my computer the software ,even at just having one bar for brightness, reads that my screen is at 16 and you suggest at least 90. To get my screen that bright I have to raise the bars so high it doesn't come close to matching my prints. Do you have any suggestions? I used to keep my brightness at 4 bars and it was perfect but now it won't even finish calibrating with it that low. Thanks in advance!
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