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Everything posted by JosieJo2000

  1. Brilliant, thank you so much! I can afford the prints...but won't be needing to work on that for awhile. When I do move down the print route I will sign up. Thanks again!
  2. ...at the risk of getting shat on from a great height I have a question about signing on for the Sharpening Class (I am currently in RAW and Levels Deluxe). I have read that we need to allocate money for prints to get the most out of the class. But where I am at the moment is producing digital files for animal rescue groups on a voluntary basis. I would eventually like to be able to do prints for some of them, use some in pamphlets / promotional material etc. At the moment my sharpening is basically sharpening in RAW and then blindly sharpening using Unsharp Mask. Yes, I realise the error of my ways. Would it be worthwhile signing on for the Sharpening Class now to learn the theory first and then do the test prints when I am ready (say in 6 months time?). Will the sharpening class help my digital files to look better or should I wait until I am committed to producing prints?
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