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Member Information

  • Main editing computer
    PC laptop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon 6d, canon 70d, canon 50 1.2, sigma 24-70, tamron 70-200 and various other lenses

Historyteach's Achievements

  1. i compared the photos twice - once with daylight and the other with my kitchen light that is has the warmer of the florescent energy saving bulbs
  2. I have a laptop and have had problems with calibration. I just received my laptop back from MSI who fixed the hard drive. I followed the directions from Spyder 5 Elite. I use Miller's which I know can be an issue as a printer. I ordered new test prints - all of the prints are more warm, almost orange and when I use the SpyderTune I can't get the right color combination. What can i do to make changes to the warmth / color
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