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kathy baxley

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  • Main editing computer
    PC desktop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Cameras: Nikon D7100 and Nikon D90
    Nikon Lenses: 85 mm 1.4, 18-200mm 3.5-5.6, 17-55 mm 2.8, 50 mm 1.8, 70-300 mm 4.5-5.6, and 70-200 mm 2.8.
    Monitor: NEC 23" Widescreen Professional Graphics Desktop Monitor w/ SpectraViewll

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  1. Why am I getting the message in the first photo every time I open a photo from ACR to photoshop? Which option should I choose? I thought I had all my settings set like they are supposed to be, thanks!
  2. you know me soooo well..........yes I have a couple more lenses that I want..........LOL!
  3. After talking to a tech today at BH he had me sold on the WG.....but I'm afraid.............b/c of what I read in your article..........then I got to wondering if I would then need to purchase a special printer, etc........so I have pretty much talked myself out of buying a WG monitor.
  4. actually the $379 is on sale for $349 http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/910902-REG/nec_ea244wmi_bk_ea244wmi_24_widescreen_led.html and the $569 is on sale for $544 http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/880645-REG/NEC_p232w_bk_23_Widescreen_Professional_Graphics.html neither one are wide gamut........but I've been going back and forth b/t these 2.
  5. I'm sort of back and forth........I've been looking at about 4 different NEC monitors w/ price range $379 $569 $899 (none of these are WG) and lastly $899 which is a wide gamut monitor. The WG is a 27" and the others range from 21" to 24".
  6. I sure can, If I purchase a wide gamut monitor............will I need a specific type of printer when printing my own photos? I don't want to purchase the monitor and then find out I will need a special printer.......I guess it is a dumb question...........but that is how my luck usually goes.........ha ha
  7. I was thinking about purchasing a wide gamut monitor. Does the printer require any specific requirements for printing your own photos?
  8. I put the SD card in the computer and view the photos on the card and choose the ones I like and then open it w/ PS and edit from there. I have never been able to figure out a better way......i.e. LR, etc.
  9. Yes, I have it set on Raw + jpeg fine and medium = 4496x3000: 13.5 M
  10. I just looked and the image size is set to Large.........I thought I had it set on medium. Guess I should change that.
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