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Posts posted by Daniwright11

  1. Hey! So sorry for the delayed response. We left to go on vacation and I am just getting back to my computer. I did try it out. And it is not as easy as you make it look :P . But you helped me a ton and I learned so much! Thank you again!

    Now I really need to get a screen calibrator so I can take your classes. I've been waiting until I got my new computer and I finally have it. Wahoo!!


  2. Wow! Yes! Thank you. How did you do that? You are amazing! And thanks for the other links. I literally just switched to a new computer yesterday and I haven't gone through and switched all of my setting yet. It was hard to remember everything I had changed on my last one!

  3. Hi there! I'm pretty sure you had a tutorial for this floating around on Facebook at some point, but I can't seem to find it. Can you help point me to the tutorial that can help me fill in the gap between her chest and the dress? Thanks! Not the best quality picture, I'm still learning. 



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