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  • Main editing computer
    PC desktop
  • Editing software
    Lightroom with Photoshop
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon Mark II 1D, Canon 28-70 (2.8), Canon 70-200 (2.8), Canon 100 macro (2.8), Canon 85 (1.2), etc

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  1. YES! The colors went to correct colors! So do I just need to buy new calibration software?
  2. We calibrated it a month ago and it became worse than it was. We are using i1match calibration software with gretagMacbeth i-1display. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. When I view the images via any other media viewer except for photoshop the colors are as they should be. I don't understand what I need to change in Photoshop so that the colors are back to what they should be.
  4. I have a PC desktop running Windows XP and Photoshop CS4. It is over 2 years old, and has 2.00GB of RAM. Its hard drive has 59.9GB free out of 149GB. The last time I shut down was just before posting this thread. I have never run a cleanup program. I do not have or use internet on the computer where I have my image files or photoshop. I've calibrated my monitor with i1 software. The images look fine when they are printed, or if I view them on my desktop screen (outside of photoshop). In photoshop, the colors have a blue cast that is horrible. I have had multiple people look at it, I can't find anything to fix it. The files are sRGB. It is not the files, it is something in photoshop and it wasn't there a couple of months ago. It is killing me trying to work on images when I can't see accurate colors in photoshop. Please help!!! When I go into bridge and look at other older files, they will come up looking normal originally, but as I watch they change into the bad color cast. It's horrible. I really don't know what to do. The last few shoots I've been making it work by spot checking images as jpgs on my desk top and then doing anything that had to be done in photoshop without worrying about the horrible color, but it is not a reasonable workflow. Please have an answer!!! The top image is the one with the color cast. The tutu is purple. The bottom image is correct and shows correct printed or outside of photoshop on my computer.
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