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  • Main editing computer
    Mac desktop
  • Editing software
    Lightroom with Photoshop
  • Monitor Calibrator

Awphoto's Achievements

  1. Ok great, there's a 6wk time frame. Wanted to get here asap.
  2. Yes ok, that sounds like a good move! How do I ensure image quality and prevent pixelation etc tho? I'm worried it would look anything but amazing!
  3. Hi thanks for the reply, i am providing the file. I'm not sure as to who or how it will be printed. Just know the above size of the end result. Thanks
  4. Hi, I have a client who is wanting to print this image 1200 x 4800 for his new Hair Salon. My questions are - What size should the final file be to accommodate for such a large print? What sharpening Settings should i be using? What else do i need to do? at 100% the quality looks good - just wanting to double check before its sent off and can't afford any mistakes!! thankyou. Amy
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