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Kristi Lesnik

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Member Information

  • Main editing computer
    PC laptop
  • Editing software
    Lightroom with Photoshop
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Nikon D750, Wide angle, 50 mm, and 70-200mm

Kristi Lesnik's Achievements

  1. I was set to Pro sRGB. Thanks so much for the explanation and even further checkpoint in Camera Raw. I made both adjustments and my color is accurate now. Very helpful!
  2. Hey there, I am hoping someone out there can help me solve the mystery. I am having dificulty in exporting images out of PS. I always have to tweak color in LR in order to finalize an image. My color settings in PS are set to SRGB. I am attaching 2 images, the first is out of PS and the second is out of LR.If you could lend any advise, I would greatly appreciate any and all help with this matter.Thanks, Kristi
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