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Posts posted by Adventurechic

  1. 953857700_IMG_30412.thumb.JPG.edfaa2806b24beaa7377acde19a4c77c.JPGyes can confirm i have read and why I was trying different light to see if the light i was using was indeed too warm as you stated in one of your articles. I looked at the photographs both in lightroom i use to catalog then again in photoshop. I looked at the photo both inside and outside not in direct sunlight etc. as well as different light.

    the brightness of the photos doesn't bother me as much as the color. especially the red on the cape. When I looked at that in the daylight outside. it was dramatic. The overall warm tone is minimal compared to the worrisome red as I don't want the magenta tones.


    I didn't take the picture when it was cloudy but right now in the shade with some sun outside.

  2. I would love to get your opinion on these. Some of the images appear warm while other photos the seem to match. Inside light is a bit warm opened up both windows homework style light. In pure complete cover of clouds outside the colors appear much cooler and the colors appear more dramatic difference as in the little red riding hood outside the colors of the cape varied from red to magenta. What would be my next step?










  3. You are correct, I should have printed more than I did.

    two of the photos are coming off more yellow then screen. 

    I darkened my screen to try to match the screen with the first one.

    the last one (86) is the recent print, like you said to have a few more than just one. 

    And it was after i had adjusted to match the first.

    Its pretty close now? minus adding Yellow <---where did the yellow come from?




  4. When I calibrate, it seems as I am always making my screen brighter. Now combing through some of your articles and re-reading and re-calibrating my screen to 100 per darker image. I had to make my screen brighter again. I am most confused by this, shouldn't I be making my screen darker as to match the histogram and the print?

    I feel as if I have to rely on the histogram 100% as my monitor nor my camera will show me whats really going on in the image. When I edit for the histogram, the image on my screen looks like rubbish and completely blown out.

    I have taken your raw class and your levels and now feel as I should start over again.

    What am I missing?


    I truly appreciate all your help!

  5. Hello,

    First time posting, long time trying to learn behind the scenes

    I beginning to edit this for 12 x16 canvas print

    I am worried that this will print dark.

    I applied the level and the highlights and whites appear overblown on my screen ( I colormunki calibrated this am, it even looks more overblown since i did this) but my histogram is showing extreme left.  Is this photo a complete loss?

    There is a ton of edits I need to have done and she wants it for Christmas.


    Thank you !!!!



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