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Everything posted by ElenaB

  1. I started clean from ACR and applied the Channel Mixer settings you gave me. Painted on the jacket sleeve and a little on the shoulder and a crease. Then cloned a couple of dirty spots bc moire was stronger on those. Thank you very much for your help. Cant wait to graduate from Raw and take your levels class.
  2. Damien, thank you so very much! It is perfect!
  3. What do you think about this? No, i have no used channel mixer but wanted the image done today. I am aiming to soon get into your levels class and am so cheeky to get in there
  4. yes, i just did and image still has that blue/gray tint do you want me to post screen on the channels? Thank you for helping :-)
  5. I think I got somewhere where I am happy medium with. Did a clone from other sleeve bc i was loosing texture and then mask, invert and painted with low opacity. still doing it but much happy with the result
  6. this is what i get with the numbers. i inverted the mask and painted on the places i need the dust gone but it looks really off
  7. Thank you, I tried on ACR photo and got moire on some parts of the jacket but only a little of the dirt got cleaned with your Channel Mixer recommendations. Also, i have never used or learned about this adjustment, so had to do some reading on the fly. I turned opacity of the layer to 27 bc the blue was dark grayish blue w those numbers.
  8. Hello I was able to remove/clean other parts of the jacket but his sleeve is turning to be a challenge. Tried patch, clone and stamp but i dont like the result. Can i please get some help or guidance on how best to clean that area? Thank you pic1...i got that far and didnt like how it started to look Pic2..i like until that point Pic3.. whole jacket clean up unril Pic2 Pic4 ....original
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