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Miriam H

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  • Main editing computer
    PC laptop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    camera EOS 6D
    lens Canon EF-S 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM

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  1. You tried a different lab? yes I did it was less good !!!!!!!!
  2. i tried it was just was not good .. what more can I do ?? also did you see the difference on both my screens?? what is it ????????????
  3. HI the pictures are not the best ... I just could not get it better . I am sending also the original picture ... edited.. if you can see my main concern is the people - the don't look alive - the faces are just dead !! and the read is terrible !!!!!!!! JUST TERRIBLE!!!! Number 2 - I have one more interesting question... my coloring on my laptop.. is very different then my screen it has like a color of green on everything ... a little bit - on the picture I am sending you can see it it is not so bad in real ... as you can see I took the picture twice... one when the lights are on - on that picture you cannot see what I mean - but when the lights are off you can see what I mean but it is a bit extreme...... Thank you so so much :)
  4. ok I will send but I printed the same picture 1. when I edit it on D 50 L 60 and once when I changed the Y - ( as I mentioned I could not change the X ) but the pictures where both not perfect the better of the 2 was D 50 L60 in the mean time i am really really sad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cos i decided that maybe its not so bad after all............... cos I re-calibrated many times but yesterday I got an album I sent to print and it is just terrible !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the red is like maroon ..... the green is more like black - much darken then my screen - basically I really have to do something more !!!! I just wonder what I did differently last time that I had it 98% percent ok :) I DESPERATE NEED HELP ASAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. OK Thank you I cant seam do to X Y because my X is already on the highest number !! What should I do now???????????? THNKS !!!! & THANKS AGAIN
  6. yes now please what more can I do ????????? maybe change a setting in the calibrator??? Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. maybe I should try something in the coloring of the calibrator ??
  8. done that in the beginning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Hi I followed all the instructions and did the calibrator again .. now I printed some more pics and the prints are still greener then the screen What should I do . what settings should I change ? now I calibrated in D 50 Luminance 60
  10. one more problem when I open a picture on windows the coloring jumps.... it changes the color - it tones it down so when I open a picture first its nice but then is becomes much more dead like missing life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. also should I set the coloring on my screen - Preset mode on color temp or custom color because on color temp its somehow more similar to the prints color thank you!!
  12. yes but also the reds are really not the same in print the red is like orange !!!!
  13. I'm looking again at my prints ... for example the red is more like orange !!!!!
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