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Posts posted by Cherry

  1. 16 minutes ago, Damien Symonds said:


    This is either a job for Frequency Separation (google it), or my Cellulite action.

    If you use the latter, you'll need to add a blank layer above it, and low-opacity clone out some of the most stubborn scars.  Remember, the goal is to reduce the scarring a flattering amount, not get rid of it altogether.

    Here is my play:


    May I know the numbers you used? :)

  2. 37 minutes ago, Damien Symonds said:

    Not quite perfect, but adequate.

    I trust you can see the problems?  It's fixed the acne scars really well, but it doesn't work in creases of skin.  You need to be more careful with your masking.

    re-masked, now dark spots are left. dodge and burn layer?..


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