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  • Main editing computer
    Mac desktop
  • Editing software
    Photoshop Elements
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Nikon D7500, Sb700 flash, 35mm, 70-300mm, 16-85mm

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  1. Thanks So much D. I am so thick sometimes it's unreal. I checked moon pics I took last year and they're exactly the same as what I took last night. Lol. I took a couple of test shots this morning after formatting the card and both jpeg and raw are the sizes I'm used to. It didn't even register that it's because there's no colour. I don't know why I suddenly noticed after all this time. You're a star as always. ☺
  2. Hi Damien Something odd going on here with my brain or my computer or everything. lol. If I use, say for example the crop ratio of 5x7, save as JPEG it is giving me just 370kbs (ok for web use Facebook etc but not for printing). If I were to print this at Photobox, it will pop up with a non-smiley face and tell me that the quality is not good enough for printing as it is too low a resolution. Now here is an even stranger thing going on. I managed to screenshot this image uploaded to here, but tried to do another screenshot showing the kbs size to save to JPEG, but it is now saving it to Dropbox. Flip's sake.. I have no idea what's going on as the first screenshot saved OK to my MAC hard drive. You know that feeling when you have been working on files for a very long time, then suddenly something changes that is not quite right? That is my feeling last night. All other images before I went out to do moon pics, are 8-12mb and 30mb respectively (JPEG fine and RAW). So they are cropping and saving in the high quality size I would expect and need for printing different format sizes, whatever the pixel dimensions.
  3. oops… sorry I meant to say thanks for reply. It's 1.30am here in the UK. :-) I might reset my camera as this isn't right.
  4. Sorry I haven't quite explained this properly. On the SD card, the JPEGS are less than 1mb when they are usually around 8-10mb. Even if I open the NEF to edit, when I crop, they are only coming up as 200kbs (not mbs). This file size would not be acceptable for printing.
  5. But I have never had the JPEGS being such a low file size before? If I were to upload these JPEGS for printing say using Photobox, surely the quality would be dire? They are only coming up in KBS rather than MB's.
  6. Hello. Something bizarre has happened this evening (I've been out photographing tonight's full moon). Does anyone know why I am getting less than 1mb JPEG file size even though my camera is set to RAW + JPEG FINE and always has been? I have only just noticed when cropping an image in Elements 11, that I am only getting around 200-300kbs file size at the default 240 when saving as JPEG. I have just checked my images on the SD card and the JPEGS are mostly around 1mb or less when they are usually around 8mb. My shots I took earlier in the day are around 8mb and I can't for the life of me figure out what's gone wrong.
  7. That's amazing and sure I totally understand. Thank you for taking the time to show what you did. I just thought I would get a topic going since you asked on FB. ☺ I'm almost done learning on the Raw Class so hopefully, will soon be signing up with the Levels Class. Oh and I clean processed this image before posting here so hope it passed the Raw test?
  8. Hi Damien. Hope I am doing this right with my first posting to the new forum for this section? :-) I would like to know how to achieve the richness of this photographer's black and white look please.
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