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Moire fix?


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I just uploaded this session from this morning and there is moire on the plaid shirt. He wore this at least half of the session so I'm hoping it's an easy fix. It is visible in RAW and when the whole image is viewed, however when I zoom in it disappears. How would I fix this, and will it print since when viewed at 100% it's not there? Thanks, SOOR below. 


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Thank you! I knew there was something having to do with it being visible at 100% or not but I couldn't find it in my search on this new site! Really appreciate the link and help. 

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Pro tip: next time be sure to search Damien's website, with the resources and tutorials, not just this Q&A forum.   If you put "moire" in the searchbar on his site (which, by the way, is linked at the very top of this page, with the "Search Damien's resources" link next to the searchbar for the Q&A forum), that article I linked pops right up.  :) 

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