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Everything posted by BrittneyA
Okay, thanks. I'll post in that section when I can. What about questions about asking for editing advice? Like HOW to make them look as good as they can? I know that Damien has classes, and I plan to take them. I just want to ask the right questions in the right section. Thanks.
I should add that in that close up of the bride and groom, I used the clone stamp tool to attempt to remove glare from the groom's glasses.. I hope it looks okay... Some photos look pretty hard. I'm glad he removed them for at least a couple photos.. He kept his hat on though!
Okay, at least not as blurry as I was before! At least they're "usable".. That is a start.. Thank you! I have many more photos I can send.. I will post here! (And the website). I think I'm just stressed and tired lol. I really want to do a good job. I'm SO HAPPY I found you guys. ~Brittney
Brian, Thanks. Should I post one of these? These are "edited" slightly.. Or should I post an original? I'm FREAKING OUT... Do these seem to be in focus?? I know they could be better. This was one of the hardest shoots in my life lol. THANK GOODNESS you helped me as much as you did. I'll send more tomorrow.. Just so you can see. I'll send some originals. Gosh I wish you'd give advice and tips! I'd totally pay you for it. I feel like you're my GO-TO person now.. and I'm a loyalist. HAHA. I wish Damien would talk to me privately like you do. Someone said I can batch edit. That doesn't seem likely.. lol. I just want to make them look so much better than this. Honest answer.. 1-10, 1 being these suck and I should give a refund and never do wedding photos again. 10 being they're flipping fantastic, how would you rate them? Maybe 1-100 is better? You won't offend me.. Okay, so I will post on Ask Damien.. With reservations. Lol. And I'll take Kim's class. I have SO much to do, I'm not sure which order to do it all in. I just know that I need to get these edited.. Thank you so much, as always. You're the best. I've been referring people to Ask Damien, and mention you with gear questions. Why don't you charge for your advice? You totally could. But I am so grateful. Talk soon! Brittney
Brian, Hey! I've been exhausted!! LOL. I hope you're doing well. I did a couple 4th of July mini shoots with that lens and flash yesterday! I have to send it back today, I believe.. BOOO! So I'll send you what I have edited so far. The flash and indoors is just hard. I'm hoping to learn asap.. I know you don't focus on editing.. but maybe you can give me a couple of tips. I know I'll have to post for Damien.. I just prefer the one-on-one conversation without everyone else butting in. I have so many more photos, obviously. But these are a few that I lightly edited. The bride said she liked them. She didn't say she loved them though. She is a texter, and doesn't get very expressive via text. But if it was my wedding, if I loved them I'd say, "Oh I love them!! Thank you so much!!" She said, "Thank you. I like them." ? Hopefully she does, but this is why I'm here. I don't know how much time I can take with classes. I have to get them edited as soon as I can. I do plan to take the classes, though. Okay, here they are.. Then I'll send some more that aren't edited later. Thanks. Brittney
Brian, You're welcome! I love that movie and Lt. Dan! Soooo, am I Forrest? Lol, what a great quote. Yes, I did set it to -1! I hope there aren't a lot of glares to work out. I'm looking up editing techniques right now. I know Damien is the pro, but she wants 3-4 photos today! I said okay... So I'm trying to look into that. I can always use my old techniques, but this experience has made me want to learn more and more. I do plan to invest in classes etc! I'll send you the photos I plan to send over once they're done, and you can give me your opinion! Talk soon!
Brian, Well, I think it went okay. I don't SEEM to have blurry shots or underexposed shots. I am now concerned that my photos are looking too "flashy". I did try bouncing it off the ceiling and walls when they were white. (There were some wood structures). I think I got the "key" shots. It was hard to know where to stand when they were at the alter because they were facing the alter. They weren't facing each other. So I just got up on that alter! Lol. I think I did okay. I'll show you some photos soon. I did get that contract signed before the ceremony, but not before makeup shots! But I think it's okay. Next time I will have them sign as soon as I'm booked. The biggest issue I had was running out of outside light. The bride was a whole hour late, so got married around 7 instead of 6. We took some posed shots after inside the church. But I encouraged them to hurry and get to the other location, the reception, if they wanted outdoor photos. I did my best. With the group shots I was at f-4.5 and the huge groups I think it was f-8. I can't remember all of my settings, but I really tried to recall what you had recommended. So I did adjustments here and there. I ended up only using the lens I rented, and my 50 a little bit for makeup shots. The space was so limited and found that so frustrating. I had to stand in the closet to kind of take a full body photo! AHHH. But I think I got the shots (basically) that she wanted. She was going to do the father daughter first look in the small room, but I told her we should go to the living room. That was a good choice. The first dance was cut short! The music went out! It kept going out.. They had some issues. But I think I got some nice photos.. But thought I had more time to work with lol. They wanted some photos outside when it was already nighttime, so I did my best! LOL. No garter toss, but there was a bouquet toss. I think I got some good shots. You'll be the judge lol. Thank goodness for that continuous shooting mode!! I got pics of the 3 dinner choices, the dessert and the cake, as many detail shots as I could. There weren't too many, but I just kept going. And she made me sit down and eat dinner. So that was nice. I ate quickly so I could get back to it! I wish we had more outdoor light.. And the groom INSISTED on wearing these weird sunglasses and a baseball cap during the whole thing. I did manage to have him remove the glasses for a few shots. UGH.. So we'll see how those turn out. GEEZ. I tried to be mindful of my flash and glare. YES, I did give in to the lying, cheating whore HAHA. But I really did watch my settings A LOT. I never went under 1/60! I guess I don't know how to monitor the stupid histogram. I know I have a lot to learn, but I'm here and willing. I feel like I've found the DaVinci of photography in you, lol. And yes, my hands hurt, I'm sore everywhere somehow, my feet hurt, and I'm tired and have a migraine! Fun times. Happy Father's Day!! Brittney
Brian, I hope you got some well-earned rest! Yes, I watched videos and read info about formatting SD cards. I'm now concerned about my cards that I have pics of my kids on that aren't in the computer... I have learned now that I should use a clear SD card for every shoot. Or try to, then put it on the computer right away. On some of my SD cards I have like 2500 photos! Now, the photo shoots people have paid for are done. But again, my kids shots are on there. I have no idea how to upload properly when only choosing a selection. I have done it before, but I don't know why I have issues with it now.. So I really don't want to lose any of those photos! Anyway, I did leave the bride a voicemail (since, as you know, she's very hard to reach) giving her the advice of having people walk slower than they think they ought to. And especially herself. The word "float" is a good one! I'll mention it again. I did not open the 128 yet, thankfully. So I'll exchange it for another 32. She now wants me at 4 for makeup etc shots. She changed it to 3, then, 4, to 3, then 4 again. .. I told her it's gonna be 4!!! LOL. She hasn't signed my contract yet.. SMH. It's really simple. I trust her. But you know, I don't trust anyone. LOL. Except my husband and kids I guess! So I'll bring a couple paper copies and have her sign before I begin. This whole thing is just crazy.. I'm just so RELIEVED the church isn't a bat cave. Please send me a photo of your wedding you shot! I can probably pop on here one more time, then I'm going to focus. Thank you for helping me. I can tell you are not only really good at what you do, but you really do want to help! Talk soon, Brittney
I was able to check the church out last night without my kids. There are plenty of windows along either side of it. It's not nearly as dark as I predicted. I took some practice shots and feel like they look pretty good. I used the flash. I charged my batteries last night, and formatted my SD cards. I got 2 32 GB cards and then a 128 GB. BUT I just noticed the 128 doesn't have the micro chip that you slide in the little adapter. AND it says, "Great for compact to midrange point-and-shoot digital cameras".. UM, WHAT?!! I don't know if I can use that 128... I'll probably just go pick up another 32 GB or a 64 that doesn't say that weird stuff... lol. Hope you're well! Talk soon!! Brittney
I formatted my brand new SD cards!! Lol. I can't believe I've never heard of this..
Brian, Your response is so helpful, as always, thank you! The first thing I am wondering... Um, I have never formatter a card ever and have never even heard about it! LOL. Omgosh.. I know you're deep into your shoot right now, so I will have to "Google" that!! Also, I'm glad you mentioned group shots and raising the aperture. I knew I read something about that. Maybe from you! Ha! And yes, I do feel better and more knowledgeable for sure. I also feel like a tiny spec on top of a tiny spec. Lol, I will happily be spending a lot of time on this website. I am the type of person to really stick to it if it's important to me. And photography is! I absolutely love it and will get better and better. I can't tell you how thankful I am.. I really like how honest and direct you are. I need it! But you're also HELPFUL and want me to succeed. Thank you!! I wonder why you said not to delete in camera? I rarely do.. But that's interesting AND it's in BOLD. So, I won't! Lol! I am really trying to follow every single thing you taught me.. Oh, as for dinner at the wedding, she did ask my choice between steak, roasted chicken, and salmon. I chose salmon. I will definitely bring water and Powerade zero. How did you know I was thinking about an energy drink?? LOL! Sugar free Red Bull. A very rare choice, but sometimes. I'll avoid it anyhow. I get severe migraines at times.. yay.. So I may bring a Coke Zero and ibuprofen just in case. That's great advice.. Just switch the batteries out after the getting ready photos. Then again after the ceremony. It pretty much guarantees that I'll be set. I will bring extra. I think I'll also ask the bride and groom to kiss a little longer after they say, "I do" to get the perfect shot! They may forget though even if they agree lol. This "tiny" wedding is 60 people now.. The other wedding I shot was literally 12 people.. THAT'S tiny.. But it is what it is. As for guest photos, I am thinking I'll ask if I can take their photos, then obviously take some candids. I think right now I need you and Kim the most. What would I have done without you?! I've already sent a few over to you guys.. I'm sure you get high praises a lot. It's crazy how people stick up for their poor-mediocre photos when they're bashed. You have to have a little thicker skin AND a sense of humility. How can we get better if we're not willing to take constructive criticism? I've really gonna miss this lens and flash.. UGHH. I'll bug you about what to get later.. Good luck with your wedding, I know it'll go great! Please send me a sneak peek lol. I'll send some to you too. Talk soon, Brittney?
My husband took over the computer for a bit.. lol. Grr. But I have to get up early too. I hope your shoot goes well. I'm sure it will! I have been trying to play around with my settings. I think it may make more sense for me to go ahead and shoot in M mode after all. I CAN adjust the settings much better than with A. I will learn! Continuous shooting mode is super helpful btw! How often do you think I'd need new batteries for the flash? I know I just need to check.. But just thought I'd ask. "The lower the ISO, the less noise you will have to deal with in Post and the better the Dynamic Range. I find that ISO 400 is a good place to start with for a "General" ISO with a Wedding. It's sensitive enough to keep that shutter speed up, but doesn't create noise that can't be fixed in Post. Now, ISO 100 is technically "Better," but "Your Mileage May Vary." It all depends on the current lighting conditions. It's another one of those, "It depends..." answers that I give. Sometimes ISO 800 works better. Sometimes ISO 200 is what you want. Or not." So I'll start with ISO 400 once we are inside. Including makeup, church, and reception. So inside photos. Then for outdoors, I'll just play with my settings and see what works. If my ISO is 400, what should the shutter speed and f stop be? I know it depends. Just looking for the "formula". I'll research more. And just keep practicing. I have two camera batteries. Gosh I wish I had three.. But I'll bring my charger and use it when I switch the other one out. I'm creating a list and cheat sheets with the shots I need to take and settings to try out. And reminders! I'm not ashamed to carry a list with me! lol. I'd rather look silly than miss something. But honestly, I think I pay attention to details. I like the little things, and the bigger things are obvious. I just hope I do a good job. I can't wait to get a new camera!! I'm so sad I have to return this flash and lens! When I'm outside, should I use the flash still? I know I don't need it in all situations, but you had mentioned using it in harsh sunlight to fill in shadows. Do you help teach editing too? I have Photoshop CC and try to watch videos and play with it. I found a preset or two I like, but I'm really wanting to learn how to dodge and burn and use curves. If you don't have time to chat back and forth tomorrow, what advice can you give me that I should focus on? The answer is all of it. LOL!!! But really.. I'll recheck settings, keep practicing, watch that the shutter speed isn't lower than 1/60, try to memorize the triangle relationship between ISO, aperture, and shutter speed.. Bring my batteries, SD cards, my cheat sheet, my equipment, What else? I feel like I'm forgetting something. HANDS DOWN I feel much better about Saturday than I did going into it.. I knew you guys were harsh, but super knowledgeable, and actually really nice. I appreciate your patience so much. I can't wait to learn more and more, and show you my growth. I'll be bothering you regularly I'm sure. I think I'll probably have a last minute freak out before the wedding and message again! Oh, one question.. When I turn my camera to take a portrait shot, do I need to worry about changing the flash, or not really? I also bought a tripod, but it's for something else. It's for some 4th of July minis I'm doing. If you think I should bring it, let me know. I know you said no before lol. I'm pretty tired and rambling, I know I forgot something. But anyway, have a good night and I'll talk to you tomorrow! ~ B
Okay, I will take the class. I'm looking forward to it. I'll be back on here soon, I have to head out really quick. I'm glad you showed me the kitty eyes! When I get back, I'll have to get those cell pics to you. AND why don't I send you a couple photos that I "think" are very sharp with the setting you recommended. Thank you. LOVE your kitty!
Holy crap.. So I switched to M mode doing NOTHING else different, make sure my setting were F 2.8, ISO 400, and then shutter speed was 1/200. Those settings seem more "normal"? The pictures look good.. Very "bright and flashy". I did the bounce light method and it definitely looks better.. What should I do? I'll send you those pics with my phone...
Sooo, You said it's normal when I am in Auto Mode. "A" mode, the "A" on my dial is Aperture mode, right? Not Auto? Yes, my camera is on A. I have been playing around with the ISO. I have been playing with the f stop. I can't seem to change the shutter speed whatsoever. After following all of your instructions, it seems that my photos are significantly better indoors now. I am hung up on you saying I don't want a lower shutter speed than 1/60. But OFTEN in lower light, okay, ALWAYS, no matter what I seem to set my f stop or ISO to, it's always super mega low... Like 1/10 just as an example, even lower. So you think I should switch back to M mode? I feel like the pictures I took before that I send you, like the kitten, looked decent even though the shutter speed was low. Would I have to change menu settings if I switch back? I feel like I've made progress, so switching back for this wedding is making me stress more. If that's even possible lol. I need to go back and make sure I didn't miss a step in setting everything up! That's possible... And your instructions are always super clear! I am sure I missed it. I'll go back and check. I'm off to the store really quick to buy another SD card and MORE batteries just in case. I'll be back soon. I'll send some photos with my phone first, her in a sec. Thanks for your patience.. Brittney And yes, it's a D5100!
I tried to email you from my email address. bbkins85@yahoo.com. It's a short video about how I don't know how to figure out how to change the shutter speed. So, when I point to something darker, the shutter speed gets smaller. A lighter object, it goes up. It does this automatically. I wanted you to see the video so you can see what I see and I also included what I see IN the viewfinder as well. I found that the dial seems to change the f stop not the shutter speed. I know I may be repetitive, but I need to really get this. :)My camera display looks nothing like the photo you sent. If there is a better email or if I can text the video please let me know. I couldn't save it to my computer for some reason. I emailed it to myself.. Thanks!!
I was thinking the last photo I send (1/125 s) was one of the worst quality ones.. The first, (1/20 s) seems to look better. For the last one to look better, what should I have done? And why does that first look okay? More light in the room?? I'm just trying to understand. Thanks. I'm gonna play with my camera right now and focus on the shutter speed. I hope it is easy and fast to change....
Okay, yes I thought those were the shutter speeds... So to change them, since I followed your setting recommendations, I should be able to use the dial on the back of the camera to the right of the viewfinder? That doesn't change ISO, right? I'll play with it tonight. OF COURSE. I don't wanna fuck this up..
Brian, Bear with me here a second please! Okay, so I think I'm a bit confused. I set all of the photos I sent to you at f/2.8 and ISO 1250. The other numbers I listed with the list are the shutter speeds, right? I didn't determine these, they just changed with the light etc themselves. I'll definitely have to study that last info you sent me.. What did you think of the photos you sent me? What was good and what was bad? Was it all bad? Thanks. And I will definitely take Kim's class!
Brian, Here are some with the rental lens and flash. So these are ALL f/2.8 and ISO 1250. 1: 1/20 s 17-55@55 mm 2. 1/13 s 17-55@50 mm 3. 1/40 s 35 mm 4. 1/250 s 17-55@44 mm 5. 1/50 s 17-55@55 mm 6. 1/60 s 17-55@55 mm 7. 1/125 s 17-55@55 mm I didn't change anything at all with these. These are also a variety of different light settings. None too bright. The bathroom cupcake bath bomb one was pretty dark. What are your thoughts? Thanks. Oh p.s.~ They're not edited either.. please excuse my messy kiddos!!! HA! Love them.
Oh, and by the way, I got the second list the bride wants. Everything seems pretty standard. She even said those were a reference and not a must. Just the few key shots. I'll take that with a grain of salt and expect to get those shots. I plan to print an easy to read list and laminate it for myself. Also, I decided to charge her $600 for 6 hours, with $50 per half hour after if she needs a bit more time. I told her I'll deliver 200-250 *or more digitally. She also wants to order prints... Okay. I know you and Damien seem to hate Millers? That who I just signed up for to send my 160+ school kids to print their packages.. We can get into printing etc later.. Did I tell you thank you and you're the best yet? lol
Brian, It was on AF Auto, I changed it. I also now know that it was because my baby was too close to me. She was only 1.5-2 feet away. That's probably too close then. I figured out the flash, it's actually quite easy to use. GOSH it's all heavy! But I'm not too worried about that. I'm getting better photos now for sure. The church WILL allow flash. I was just saying it'd be awful if they didn't lol. Thank goodness! That lens, the one I rented, is amazing. I see what you mean about thinking my stuff are toys.. lol. OH! I need to know how to set it to take four photos in a row quickly, continuous shooting? I'll go back and see if you included directions. I forgot that part. I'll send some photos to you today that I have been taking. They're simple, but you'll see the quality.
Oh I just got my 85 as well. Just to confirm.. I can keep my menu setting the same forevermore right? Even outside? And how high should I have my ISO at the church? Thank you again.. lol. Sorry I will likely keep typing to you all day. BTW, I feel ever-so-slightly better about the wedding... Slightly. lol. Thank you so much.
You should shoot RAW. If you can, select 12-Bit Uncompressed. But I don't think the D5100 has that option. I think it's 14-bit only. Oh well. Regardless, SHOOT RAW. Where do I find this? Thank you!
So I went over my menu settings, I changed it to rear curtain and that seems helpful. One weird thing I've noticed though is that my flash NEVER comes on anymore. It wont take photos in a room that really dark, it'll say, Subject too dark. I have changed everything else the way you suggested. How do I make sure it's in RAW? It says under the Shooting Menu under storage folder, Image Quality:RAW. Then White Balance: AUTO.