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Everything posted by BrittneyA
Oh, and to answer your question, it doesn't seem that in A mode that the flash pops up automatically. I think it does in M mode. I'm trying to shoot in A. So I am taking pics of my baby, even standing, and she looks grainy at times... Even standing still.
I'm still struggling with blur though.. If my kid or a kitten or anything is moving quickly it's blurry blurry blurry. I'll have to look at my settings again.
This lens... HOLY smokes... It's super heavy and even more fantastic. I'm gonna be poor soon.
BTW I have been practicing in A mode.. I set it to f2.8 as you suggested, then found that pics were still blurry. So bumped up my ISO like you suggested. I set it to 1000. Much clearer. Thank goodness. I'm still playing around with it!!!
Brian, Ahhhh crap. Okay, with a sick baby it's been hard to do everything I want. I will put her down for a nap soon and make sure my setting are good. Then maybe you can walk me through on how to sync the flash. Since you're East Coast, I'll just get up super early before the kids and hopefully you can help me if you have any time. Or even Saturday morning too. I'll be back on here as soon as I can make sure My settings are spot on. Thank you. Brittney
Brian, Ughhhh FINALLY! About to go pick it up from the FedEx place inside of Walgreens. I'm nervous and excited. And sick to my stomach. At least they're here! The 85 isn't yet.. Brittney
Brian, Sounds good. I definitely will make sure I have at least that many different photos. I am sure that's quite easy to do.. Plus the detail shots, the bride being laced up in her dress, her shoes, the dress hanging, close ups of makeup and hair, far away shots of these, the cake, food, the dj, the brides family, the grooms, different groupings, individual shots, candid shots, posed, the ceremony, etc etc. I am not worried about quantity. It's quality lololol. Okay, I'll be practicing today with those settings today and this week. I hope I'll get my rentals and other lens in asap... I'm SUPER DUPER anxious. Obviously! Thanks for helping me, once again. I'll probably have questions about setting my menu up. My baby is also super sick. So juggling that with my twins, and this stuff has been difficult. But I can usually make things work. But I need to wake up early and go to bed late every day this week. I would love to see some of your wedding photos. I'll check out Instagram. I'm not a huge user of it yet, but plan to be. Thanks again, you're the best. Brittney
Brian, I certainly will practice! I apparently won't get the 85 until Thursday or Friday. Smh.. At least it'll be here before Saturday afternoon. I'll get up early every day before my kiddos get up to get some practice in. (additional, that is..) And I will definitely take her course, thank you for recommending it. I'll be relying on you until this wedding is over though! And I figured you had a job and photo shoots, so I am patient and am just happy when you have a chance to reply. I think I offered the mini shoot as a gift to act as icing on the cake, so to speak. Especially since my outdoor work is better, lol. I normally would charge more for that. I guess I figure if my photos are not as good as I hope (I hope they are!!!) then the mini shoot will help?! lol. Wishful thinking. But I am going to keep at it here. I'm so stressed I'm sick. Okay, I'll plan on $500-$600, and that will include the hours from 3pm-9pm. If she wants more time, I will charge $50 per half hour. I sure wish you were local so I could become your parasite and follow you around. Lol. For $300, for the last wedding, the bride received 89 photos. Some were duplicates in black and white. For this wedding, should I provide around ...? 200?? 300?? I want to get into IPS eventually, but not quite there. I JUST started offering some digitally with the option to buy more for $10 per photo. Since I don't have my 85 yet, I'll just use my 50 or 35 this evening. The bride said I can bring my kids on Friday evening to the rehearsal to check out the church. My husband works late, so I will have to bring them. Twin six-year-old boys and a girl that just turned two. I assume it'd be a good idea even so? AHHHHHH. I'm freaking out...
And I know... I sent you some really bad ones.. A couple weren't even salvageable WHATSOEVER. I do plan to become really good at many types of photography. I have to. I love it! I hope you're ready for a long road ahead lol.
Brian, Thank you.. That photo you mentioned with the bride and groom.. That awkward pose lol, they requested it just like that. Actually, with a few of the others too. lol. They were a bit frustrating, but were happy in the end. For THIS wedding, I haven't confirmed a price with them yet! They've hired me without a number. This whole thing is messed up. I am giving them a contract to sign before I take a single photo, that's for sure. I was thinking of charging more than $300. The other wedding was only 3 hours of shooting, whereas this one will be 7+/-. I was thinking of maybe $500-$600. Is that unreasonable? I'm also giving them a mini shoot after their honeymoon as a gift. OUTDOORS lol. I have some other photos that I was able to freeze much better. But it was outside. I'll be practicing and practicing. I have the AA batteries. I have one SD card. I'll get more of both! I have an extra camera battery too. I know I keep saying it, but I'd be screwed without your help. Thank you! Well, I still may be lol! Let's hope not!! I'm trying to get there!! I just need the flash and lens to hurry and arrive so I can practice. I'm going to go change my menu settings now. If I have issues with it I'll ask! Brittney
Brian, Here is the only photo I have of the reception. She said it's basically a large room. It also has an upstairs with a balcony. They'll have a sit-down catered dinner, then dancing. Thank you again!!! Brittney
I should add that the wedding is at 6. The sun doesn't set until 8. So that should be good. She really wants the lights all off minus the chandeliers you see near the front..
Brian, Here are the venue indoor photos I have finally. I do know the building in long and narrow, with average-sized windows along either end. You can kind of see one or two in the photo. And here is her list so far.. Thank you.. PS. I will definitely find you on Instagram! Brittney
Brian, I am freakin terrified too... I swear I told her I'm not very experienced with indoor photography, and only did one tiny wedding.. I sent her the photos from it so she'd see! They are NOT okay. The couple literally changed the venue on me WHEN I SHOWED UP. It was supposed to be in a pavilion outdoors under a gazebo at a park. It was in a church. I was soooo mad, all of my practicing didn't mean much. They didn't have a reception or anything. I only charged $300. I'm actively looking for a second shooter.. SIGHHHHH. I'll get my settings together as you suggested. I'll be shooting today, tomorrow, etc. as much as I can. My rentals should arrive the 16th. I've never had blurry photos generally. But indoors and I don't get along. I will send you the good, the bad, and the ugly. And I don't mind your bluntness and honesty AT ALL. I like it. I need it! And I'm just grateful that you're willing to help me so much. You have no idea.. As for settings from my photos, I'll have to go find the originals and open them in photoshop to see them I believe. You know what is funny, and not so much...? I just took a digital photography class at the local community college hoping to learn settings better, (ISO, etc.) and didn't.. I usually play with my dial and f-stop, take a photo, and if exposure looks okay, I go with it. I am brutally honest too, at my own expense lol. But I'm here to learn. I am also wondering if I can just set up lighting to take her makeup photos? Or the flash is sufficient? So I don't need to worry about a light. Okay, so you think shooting in A is best. I am NOT a pro with "M", nor any other setting honestly. Gosh, I felt like I have been getting better and better at photography. But this has been VERY humbling. To say the least. I never thought I was awesome. But I won't shoot another event or wedding until I feel more prepared. I'll look into that class. Trick question lol.. but do I even have time to get through part of it before the wedding? With my limited time, what should I do? Get my menu settings ready, step one. Practice shooting in A mode, step two? Attached are some pics of the wedding.. What I thought were "good enough" FACE SLAM- to okay, to horrible. You'll see. I'll also include a couple of photos that I thought were nice, but most, not all, are outdoors. Thank you for existing. If you want to see more, I'll show you more. Brittney
Brian, Your photos are really beautiful! Edited or not! Gosh, honestly any bride would love that even if it's blown out.. Anyway, okay, no CF cards! Lol. I FINALLY received a couple photos of the inside of the church. They were texted to me, so I'll email them to myself and save them on my computer so I can send them to you. Yikes. Could be worse? You'll see. I am thinking shooting in "A" might be better based on what you said. Primarily movement.. and changing of light. I DON'T WANT BLURRY PHOTOS! I should send you some examples of my work.. including some that I feel sucked, but the bride loved them. (THANK GOD....) I have to say, outdoor photography is so much easier. But I'm really looking forward to learning how to use my "consumer" camera, ha! As soon as I do learn I'll likely be buying a new one and back on here asking for more help. I am hooked and plan to bug you often. Sorry, not sorry! Should I use the one I rented while taking makeup photos in her home? Or one of my own? Same as a small church, with indoor setting and close proximity, so I assume so? Should I definitely switch over to my other lenses at some point? WHEN? Sorry I ask very obvious questions.. lol. I also just got a photo list. It doesn't include the reception; that's to follow! Sigh... I guess it's nothing unusual. But perhaps you can give me pointers. I'll send a separate email with the list she texted me, along with the church photos... (Luckily the bride also knows that low light could be an issue. So she said she'd "go over it" with me based on what I thought... I want to say, "You have to have all of the lights on everywhere! Haha.. :/) Another question: After I figure out how to switch to all of the settings you've recommended, can I just leave them like that for outside photos too? The menu options and whatnot. Are you in NJ? I have family there. Brittney
Brian, Okay, I'm reading it. It's 128 pages. lol. But I will read it. Any videos that I should watch in addition to it? I can't wait for my things to get here.. I need to figure out what settings to use. My biggest fear: The church says no flash allowed. Lol. Wouldn't that be grand? Still waiting to hear from the bride about my millions of questions.. I'll report back when I have more information! Thank you. Brittney
Brian, Thank you. I just rented the 17-55 f/2.8G ED AF-S DX is what it says, I hope that's the right one! And I saw the Nikon SB-5000 Speedlight, so got that too. Everything was about $165 with limited coverage insurance, shipping, and tax. I'll receive them on the 16th. My next question is: How will I use the flash and attach it? How do I turn it on and then back off for when we go outdoors? You mentioned shooting in A mode. I assume I'll still have to adjust my settings.. ? I guess I usually shoot in M mode. I don't shoot in Auto much, but part of me is wondering if that might be a good idea? No way? Should I get CF cards? Instead of SD? I've never used CF cards before.. Will the lens I rented create nice bokeh far away AND close up? When will I want to use it vs the other lenses I have? Thank you! Brittney
Brian, I finally figured out how to reply.. lol. Okay, so I bought the 85 mm. I went to rent the flash you recommended and the SB-910 isn't available until August. There is a SB-700 available. Is that a good one? Or should I check out another rental website? I'm on borrowlenses.com. The SB-700 is just $30 to rent for a week, and the Nikon 24-70 is $109 for a week. As for the space I will have to work with, the wedding is in a church. A small one, without vaulted ceilings it seems like. From the outside photos I found online, it seems that there are rows of smaller windows on either side of the long, narrow building. So I think I'll have some space, but not too much. The reception is in a rental hall, but a small town one. I haven't seen the inside yet and she's literally impossible to reach. Sigh. I won't let this happen again ever. I feel so stupid. That being said, I am here to learn and to do my very best. She now wants makeup photos in her home. (It just keeps getting better.) I have done something relatively similar for a sweet 16, but this is different. I thought some of my sweet 16 photos were great, and others I have obvious issues with lower light and movement. Thank God I found you and Damien..,. Anyway, thank you for your thorough reply. I'll have to study it! I have another question: Why would I want CF cards over SD cards? I've never used CF cards before.. Please let me know about the flash. And should I definitely skip the 70-200 then? And just go for the other, 24-70? Does that lens zoom well? Will I use that one by itself? You said I shouldn't use the 85 for the wedding.. Should I ONLY use the 24-70? Or maybe my 35 or 50? Thank you, you're the best. And I appreciate your honesty SO MUCH! xo ~Brittney
Brian, (I found it!) As you know, I have a lot of questions about gear among other things. The first is, what specific speed light should I buy for my Nikon D5100? I am saving to upgrade my equipment! I also found a used 85mm 1.8 Nikon lens for $325. She said $290 now.. Should I buy it? And will it work with an upgraded Nikon as well as my own? I’m shooting an indoor wedding June 19. So I’m limited currently as I only have my 5100, a 35 mm, a 50 mm, the kit lens, and 55-200. You had recommended I rent a 70-200. Previously you mentioned a Nikon 700. Should I get that one, or just use what I have for the wedding, and continue to save for a better camera? Thanks!! I’m sure I’ll have more questions soon.