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  1. Hi Damien, Sorry for the delay. I took the image and your instructions to a local lab and they said there was nothing they could do. He said there wasn't anything to pull out. I'm going to look for another lab/scanning service even if I have to go to Tucson (about 2 hours away from Phoenix.) I'll get back to you when I have something else to share. I am leaving town for 10 days for my friend's son's wedding but I'll be back about July 12th. Thank you! ~Vicki
  2. (Sorry I missed your above reply earlier.) I will take the instructions and the print to someplace tomorrow (Weds) when I'm out, and then contact you again when I have the digital version. Thank you Damien!
  3. Yes! (But you would know there are places that do this). There are photo scanning, and document scanning type places.
  4. I didn't even know there was something like that! I will look. I'm sure there is. I'm in Phoenix, Arizona.
  5. She just got back to me. She does not have the negative. All we have is the print. I could mail it to you? I know you're in Australia. I don't care. I just want to do this for my friend. She's had a rough few years. Thank you for any time you can give this. Happy Father's Day Damien!
  6. Hello, Thank you for your time. Yes, I only have a print, it was back before digital was used in that particular family. I will ask my friend if she has the negative.
  7. Hello, Thank you for your time. I will ask my friend if she has the negative.
  8. Hi Damien, My friend's Mom passed a few months ago. A few weeks ago she came to me and asked me if I knew how to fix her favorite snapshot of her and her Mom. I foolishly said "Of COURSE!" I have tried everything my pea-brain knows. I can't fix it without a face swap, which then turns her favorite picture into a different one. I was hoping to pay you to fix it. i know you used to help people and fix things if they paid, and I am HAPPY to because I care about my friend. I don't have anything but my friend's verbal permission to alter the photo. And I have the print. Can you help? Thank you for considering it! ~Vicki
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