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  • Main editing computer
    Mac laptop
  • Editing software
    Lightroom with Photoshop
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Nikon D750, Nikor 50m

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  1. True. But then why does it look different when I move the window from one screen to the other?
  2. Any way for me to tell which is correct? I'm afraid if I go off of the monitor I'm going to have prints that are actually too bright for what I want. I purchased the monitor specifically for editing so I want to make sure I have it right.
  3. I know this sounds crazy but the test print images look the same on both. Just the image I started editing looks different. Ugh. Here's an iphone picture.
  4. I've never calibrated my laptop, I know I know..... the monitor is new and I'm about to order some really expensive sample artwork and want it all to be on point. I bought the Calibrite Pro HL and followed your directions for both screens.
  5. Hi @Damien Symonds is the facebook group gone??? I just calibrated my Mac laptop screen and my Dell monitor, and they look so different. My Mac screen is much brighter and warmer it seems when I slide the photoshop window over to each screen. I'm not sure what to do because when I compared to my prints they seemed close enough.
  6. I am satisfied. Thank you so much. What kinds of things do you want to see from me for WB checks in order to move forward with the class?
  7. I know I know. I already edited this session in Lightroom and then bought your Bridge and Raw class when I was basically done expect for the glasses. So I wasn't about to start all over with this. But after this job... I'm done. This is my last photo. Then it's officially uninstalled!
  8. So weirrrddd. Ugh. Okay last one. Def shouldn't be ProPhoto RGB now.
  9. The first one you gave me turned the spots red.
  10. What do I do for over the eye where it's hazy?
  11. Okay I'll use that. But the top right and one underneath it? Also second row left, I have one from that same location but it's worse blue/purple glare.
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