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Brittany Elle S.

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Everything posted by Brittany Elle S.

  1. The client loved the image! Can you let me know how you did it so I can attempt to duplicate your process? THANKS AGAIN SO VERY MUCH!
  2. Yes - this looks great! How did you do it? Mask? You are so amazing to respond so quickly and be so helpful, always! TYSM!!
  3. Hi Damien, I follow you on Facebook but was hacked so here I am. I was provided with crappy jpeg images from an agent and he needs (asap of course) at least 4 of these files edited...his request...the grass around the lake to be green (but it's more like dirt around the lake he wants me to make green but stay realistic...seems impossible...he wants the trees greener and the clouds "photoshopped" and the lakes/bodies of water to be blue but realistic....I'm stuck and he wants them today...I've tried lots of things and it looks like trash. Please help!!!
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