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Inês Maia

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  • Main editing computer
    PC laptop
  • Editing software
    Lightroom with Photoshop
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon 100D; in the process of transition to sony a7iii

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  1. Yes, this was just a quick phone photo just to have an idea of the whole set, with white curtains half closed 😅 I'll also try to borrow a softbox from a friend. that would be way better right?
  2. Natural light. I'm very limited in terms of material, since i'm starting now with studio shoots... I did a photoshoot in this room a while ago and i think it went well (https://www.instagram.com/p/C7uRoQwoWLD/)
  3. ok, i think i got most of them out! Thanks Damien!
  4. i managed to increased a bit more (please dont mind the mess) 😅 i know, not ideal but...
  5. aaaaaand if that is not an option right now? 😅 maybe get the big flowers completely inside the backdrop would help?
  6. Hi Damien! I would like to request your help, if possible I'm going to do photo sessions for mother's day and, attached is my scenario (just a quick phone photo). Is there anything i would need/could do before the shoots to help me in post, with the extension of the backdrop? Thank you so much in advance!
  7. Hi Damon, Absolutely, feel free to use it!
  8. Thank you for the help Damien!
  9. I think i got it, what do you think?
  10. I know, its on my bucket list for 2024 🫣 Here is the close up
  11. Ok, i see what you mean 😅 Better?
  12. It was done, maybe better now? 😅
  13. Hello Damien, i need your expertise to deal witha glass glare 😔 Attached is the cropped section of the problem in question. Btw, i haven't got the chance of getting a screen calibrator, so my screen is uncalibrated at the moment... Thank you very much in advance!! ups, forgot the photo 😅 here it goes now
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